Tributes for the "Beloved" Marie Fredriksson du Legendary Duo Roxette

Marie Fredriksson, one of the oldest voices of the 80s, has unfortunately died leaving his friends, his family and millions of fans across the devastated world with grief. The singer died, aged 61 after a long battle with brain cancer.

Mariefredriksson, one of the oldest voices of the 80s, was sad to leave his friends, his family and millions of fans of everyone devastated with grief. It has been part of the Roxette Duofor for 30 years, creating huge hits like 'It must have been Love''Listen to your heart''Dangerous',and 'The look' with his partner by regret.

Singer HashBeen fighting with cancer since 2002 when she collapsed for the first time. The examination revealed a cerebral tumor that had to be Bermoved - the operation was only semi-successful as it was left with an eye, had hearing problems and could not even talk about formels.

Despite all the herdeships, Marie Fredriksson continued to hit the stage with BoldPerformances until 2016, when she had to cancel the roxette's303030.e Birthday tower due to health problems. She had noregètes and left the tail of fillet gracefully, stating that it is to be amazing 30 years. She then added:"I feel only joy and joy when I look back on the tour of the Roxette world. All our shows and memories over the years will always be a lot of my life. '

Artists, fans and family members are crying the death of the legendary. She touched the hearts of millions of millions with her belly and lyrics - The songs of Roxette are still popular in everyone!

Marie Fredrikssonhas also published numerous solo albums, including the last "naked!" Naked! "It was in 2013. No cancer could prevent him from what she really liked! By Gessle, his partner at the Tooxette Duo, left a heart tweet, saying that" things will be all the same " after his death.

This has been a joyrde arreal for all those who have been touched by the talent of the magnificent Fredriksson. His loss is deeply crying by her husband andProducer Mikael Bolyos and two adult children Josephine and Oscar.per.per Gessle, his other half in the duo Roxette, admirably thanked Han'For painting his black and white songs in the most beautiful columns. "

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