How to get lipstick outside clothes: 8 easy ways

Do not panic, your clothes are not ruined forever. Here are 8 easy ways to get the lipstick spot from clothes.

If you like WearingLipstick, it's likely that you deaf on your clothes (or someone else) before. It's not like if you had that you intended to happen, but it's an accident, it's quite common in lipstick carriers. This happens especially when you kiss someone when you decide to change your top after having already done your outfit. Descarves suffer from lipstick spots all the time. And you know, on a rareoccasion, some of us succeed in sitting on an open lip tube or liquid lipstick. Do not panic, your clothes are not ruinésForever. Here are 8 easy ways to get the lipstick spot from clothes.

1.Remove excess

The first thing to do when you try to get the lipstick of your clothes consists of deleting thexcess. If you just touch your clothes with your lips, this stepfather is omitted, but if you accidentally sit on a lipstick bullet and there is a thick layer on your clothes, it is better to scratch (not rubbing) the excess knife or credit card.

Remove The Excess  |  How to Get Lipstick Out of Clothes | HerBeauty

2. Solving

This is a curecut, but be careful that it is not suitable for all tissues. If you will use Astain Remover on your clothes, read the instructions carefully and test it on the ASMALL area that will not be visible to see if it does not cause damage to your garment. If all goes well, proceed to the stain of the stain on the area, leave it for 10 minutes, then wash it normally.

Stain Remover  | How to Get Lipstick Out of Clothes | HerBeauty

3.Rubbing alcohol

The frictional alcohol can also be mixed with removing the clothes lipstick. You will need a cotton ball or a cycloth. Humele it with alcohol and gently bend to the lipstick spot. With Toledab, you will get a little lipstick on your clothes and transfer themselves to Thecottton Ball or the cloth you are using. Once again, no friction, as it can make bleeding lipstick in the surrounding area and will incorporate even further the material of your clothes. Once you got the lipstick spot on the garment, rinse the area with cold water and wash normally.

Rubbing Alcohol  | How to Get Lipstick Out of Clothes | HerBeauty


We would never have thought that, but you were going out, you can lip red from clothes with hairstyles. All you have to do is spray the dye, leave it for 15 minutes, then blot with an aclean cloth soaked with lukewarm water. Then rinse the clothing element and wash normally.

Hairspray |  How to Get Lipstick Out of Clothes | HerBeauty soap

Most lipsticks have oils like an ingredient so that the soap of the dishes is in total. However, the technologyFor this method is not as simple as you think. Do not just leave soap on the spot. Instead, place the clothes element on the sidewall face a paper towel, then put a little soap to the dishes at the back of the dawn. Go for a few minutes. Then DAB with a cloth soaked with hot water. You basically transfer the stain of your clothes on a Papertowel. Continue to change the towel towel so that the stain does not bleed in the materialsurroning material. Once the lipstick is out - Wash as normal.

Dish Soap | How to Get Lipstick Out of Clothes | HerBeauty


You can get the lipstick using a normal detergent, but you should wash it first in hot water orlukewarm. Do not be anywhere near hot water, it will only make things. So, the washing of the hands to take out the stain and, after you can wash the object washing machine.

Detergent |  How to Get Lipstick Out of Clothes | HerBeauty

7. baking soda and lemon juice

Most of us have a little soda at the back of a closet somewhere and you probably have a lemonin the refrigerator. These two mixed things can help you get out of the lipstick of your clothes. It is sufficient to mix equal parts of lemon juice and baking soda (a teaspoon each should suffice) to form a dough. Place the dough on the spot and leave it for 30 minutes. Acidity in lemon should help break the lipstick.Afterwards, just Chuck in the washing machine without cleaning the dough

Baking Soda Lemon Juice |  How to Get Lipstick Out of Clothes | HerBeauty

Saturg cream

Shaving cream can operate as a stain remover when it comes to lipstick stains on your clothes. Just put a little shaving cream on the spot, leave it for 15 minutes, then wash it in the cold washing machine. If necessary, repeat everything again. Check that the stain went before throwing the clothing element into the dryer.

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