7 foods that ruin your skin

There are so many factors that influence the health of your skin that it can become difficult to keep track of ways you might be incredibly damaging your skin. One of the most furtive of these negative influences on your skin is a bad diet. If you eat badly, you directly sabate your skin's health. But you could eat pretty well and still have problems with your skin.

Thin of so many factors that influence your skin health that it is difficult to keep track of the ways you might be negligible from your skin. One of the furthest of these negatives on your skin is a bad diet. If you eat badly, you blocked the health of your skin. But you could eat thickness and still have problems with your skin. This could accommodate certain foods that are not commonly considered unhealthy, but are specifically terrible for your skin. To discover many dangerous foods, you have never known, here are 7 foods that really ruin your skin.


People as well as people swear by their morning coffee cup, this delicious morning ritual could compromise your skin. The coffee is adiouretic, which can drain your body from all its hydration - control of the skin. This can cause thin lines can look like the worst and that your child can lose its shiny look and dew. Coffee scale with a glass of water to replace some of the lost hydration.

Coffee | 7 Foods That Are Ruining Your Skin | Her Beauty

Bottled water

These dozens of bottles of water per day could also be the eruptions of acne of the secret of the culp. The BPA is essentially a synthetic estrogen that acts as a hormone in the body, resulting in hormone-related skin.

Bottled water | 7 Foods That Are Ruining Your Skin | Her Beauty


Alcohols are another diuretic that can ruin your skin, leaving your surface looking for Sunken and exhausted dehydration. But balancing deprivation with water and extra-fluid fluids will keep you with this fearful effect after a night of drinking.

Alcohol | 7 Foods That Are Ruining Your Skin | Her Beauty

White rice

The very high Whitece rows on the glycemic index and are very high in sugar. The contents of the sugar is terrible for your skin because what is noted by your liver can end up in your collagen and cause intense inflammation of the skin.

White rice | 7 Foods That Are Ruining Your Skin | Her Beauty


The promoter of the skin an attremejor through a bad diet is salt. It's almost everything we eat, unless you explicitly take advantage of getting your salt intake. Start using without salt seasonings when you are in Guilleme. In addition, he explicitly asks that no salt is added to your atstooling foods.

Salt | 7 Foods That Are Ruining Your Skin | Her Beauty


Processed products are very high in sodium and fat, which is absolutely terrible for your skin. The additional sodium can cause water retention, which leads to pockets and swelling of the face. New studies of studies also showing that sodium nitrates found in character means can cause breakdown of collagen and elasticity. This can cause premature aging to occur.

Processed meat | 7 Foods That Are Ruining Your Skin | Her Beauty


Researchers have not yet detected why exact foods can grow skin conditions. But they certainly do in conditions like acne and rosacea. These conditions may be an indication of too much heat in your system, and spicy foods will only aggravate these conditions. If you have existing skin problems, it is probably your best bet to avoid spicy food at all costs. Your skin will thank you later.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: skincare
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