10 healthy foods that are toxic when they are misused
We all know the disadvantages of junk food, but did you know that even the healthiest food can be fatal if it is not prepared in the right way? Here are the best healthy foods that people are getting bad and therefore risk health.
We all know the junk food of junk food, but did you know that even the healthiest food can be fatalive, they are not prepared in good way? Here are the best healthy foods that are getting bad and therefore risk health.
1. Milk
In normal quantities, milkis perfectly well to drink. However, if you ingest too much, you risk setting up cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis. Get some cups a day to avoid the perils of the prostate and ovarian cancer.
2. Crustaceans
When she was consuming raw shellfish and crustaceans, they opened to contaminants that can be perforated for humans. In addition, slightly spoiled crustaceans can cause bacterialinfections and food poisoning, so pay attention to this Fudge temperature.
3. Potatoes
When the potatoes are sitting in Thesun or in wet places, they start germinating. Some people have just cut up the increases, but you should throw them, because these potatoes contain an Andesus poison, we can cause abdominal pain, IM problems, vomiting and diarrhea.
4. Meat, Seafood, Poultry
Cook these ingredients at the temperature of the Alower, because cooking at a high temperature changes protein and is dangerous for your health. Marine your protein to avoid this, ETFLIP that frequently.
5. Almonds
Bitter and sweet Almondsexist. While sweet almonds are harmless, bitter almonds have a lot of hydroglishancans and eating more than 10 can cause problems. When treated, these can be used as a hydrogen cyanide are usually extracted, but keep an eye on the eyes and win almond trees.
6. Cashew nuts
Gross cashew nuts can be murderer - you might ask you, so why do they sell gross cashew nuts at the local store? Because they are actually steamed, which removed the Urushiol, a chemical found inpoison Ivy.
We know, there are many ofhazards when it comes to eating nuts! Although rich in selenium, it can also be toxic to humans. 50-75 mg are suggested and a hazard of 60-95 mg. This can cause problems of digestion, hair loss, loss of energy and memory problems.
8. Bread
Even if it is not addictually toxic, a lot of white bread contains treated flour and additiveVesthat can cause diabetics, heart disease and obesity. Grain bread isbetter If you try to avoid these traps.
9. Alderberres
Although delicious in jam jam, elder leaves and seeds are toxic due to high levels of glycoside, a compound that produces cyanide. They must be ripe, muffled correctly in the sector, they can cause nausea or even inducing a coma. Simply make sure to cook to prevent vomiting and stomach ache.
10. Honey
It's very important to make sure that honey is pasteurized when you buy it - a non-pasteurized honey teaspoon can contain piles of toxins and end up being damaging your health.