6 reasons why women hide or lie their age

With the current stigmas of amickenness, many women feel the need to stretch the truth about their age once they reached their 30s, 40 and 50 years. But why, like women say to these fibers how old are we?

When we are younger, we all want to be a few more years - have more experience and military. Being older has some pace when you are younger, like older children in high school, or the most accomplished graduates when you're still trying to Maneuver College. But at some point, for many women, we get older and start to want us to be Jeuneagain. With the current stigma of souvente, many women feel the need to take the truth about their age once they reached their 30s, 40 and 50 years. But why should we think women say these fibers on the hemolidus we are? Here are 6 reasons why women hide or lie their age.

The negativates of "old"

In our society, there is a negative connotation surrounding the word "old". After a certain age, when requested,"How old are you,"This may feel that the issue is negatively compromised even before answering. A better way to ask maybe,"How old are you?"

The negative connotations of “old” | 6 Reasons Why Women Hide or Lie About Their Age | HerBeauty

Crescent stigma

The elderly population is not always thought of the most optimistic or treated perspective with respect and assessment. The closer it is to reach an age old, the more they have to reach this demographics often forgotten and stigmatized. This could bring many women to hide their real age if they are close to age.

Stigma of growing older | 6 Reasons Why Women Hide or Lie About Their Age | HerBeauty

Do you want to appear attractive

There is certainly a standard standard in our society regarding men, women and aging. Older men are generally considered more distinguished and beautiful. But even if an older woman is beautiful alone, she is less likely to be considered attractive or desirable than a man of the same age.

Want to appear more attractive | 6 Reasons Why Women Hide or Lie About Their Age | HerBeauty

Stay in the workplace

Agetism is sometimes a negative factor in the progress of the workplace. Many women may need to lie at about their age to stay competitive with a coming workforce of fresh young talents - all gear for the same work and promotions.

Staying competitive in the workplace | 6 Reasons Why Women Hide or Lie About Their Age | HerBeauty

Refutation to an aninvasive question

In many cultures, it has long been considered rude to ask a woman of her age. It is considered to compromise its mystical or pace as a woman. Now it may seem a bit aged today, but many women are always faithful to this idea and, when they have been asked at their age, we can feel as if they could fibrely since they have been asked 'would never have been asked the first place.

Rebuttal to an invasive question | 6 Reasons Why Women Hide or Lie About Their Age | HerBeauty

Aspiring for the traveler

Aging also means further from whom you were when you were young and the memories you have made. Some women may feel that lie on their age will help them to be aware of being careless and fun to be young. But there are so many wonderful memories to do as we get older and great aspects of aging. It's time to work to dissipate stereotypes surrounding elderly growth, so that, like women, we can start accepting fully and will appreciate that we are at any stadium,And age, of life.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: ageism
By: ari-notis
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