This is what your sleep position tells your personality
When we fall asleep, we become completely open and faithful to ourselves. There are no masks, no role to play, and we have nothing to prove to anyone. It is a vulnerable and sincere state that allows us to let go, relax and act naturally. It is when your body chooses a position that best suits your personality or the current state of mind.

When we sombasleep, we become completely open and faithful to ourselves. There are nomasques, no role to play, and we do not have to prove anything toanely. It is a vulnerable and sincere state that allows us to pass, relax and act naturally. It is at this moment that your body chooses a position that best suits your personality or the current state of mind. You cancurl in a fetal position that is very sensitive or extended as astarfish, exhausting attention. Each sleep position tells something from your personality that you could do not notice!
Fetal position isone the most common means that men and women are sleeping. If you like to fall asleep, all you are lying in a ball, it means a few: you do not have a sense of safety and try to recover that you are hidden inside a mother of a mother ; You are a little Shywith New People, but do you open quite quickly.

On your belly
If you like your belly on your stomach, your personality is quite irritable. It is mainly caused by the quantity of pain you feel about surveillance. Sleeping in this position causes a muscular stiffness, a necklace and various spasms. If this seems familiar, consider knowing your sleep position and you will see how creamy mornings are turned into easy and pleasant awakening.

As a newspaper
If your Sleep Position of Vourtfurite is on your side with legs and leg legs relaxing, you sleep in the "Journal" position. This means that you have an open and easy-to-live person, being a real social butterfly. You too trust, maybe too much! This is the second most common separation after the fetus.

On your back
Also known as Soldier ', this sleep position is chosen by people who are arrested, silent and like to stay on their own. You have a strict code and not too many friends because it is difficult to get closer to TOYOU. These people who manage to do that learn to know a different and less strict side of you.

Stargazertosition is quite rare, but comfortable and says a lot about you. It is an open position with arms nestled under the head as if you would be on the floor looking at the stars. People who prefer to sleep this position are cheerful, happy and responsible. They cherish friendships and would do something to protect their loved ones.

FreeFalleReposition is characterized by sleeping on your belly, but with an army around your pillow. Few people sleep in an ingenial belly, let alone with such modifications. When it comes to toppersonality, such people are mainly bold and sociable, but can accept criticism and get lost in unusual or absurd situations.

Hugger pillow
Huggers pillow will not sleep without hugging their preferred pillow first. If you like to sleep in this position, it means that differences in difference are really important for you. You cherish the personal drinks you have with your friends, your family, your boyfriend and you would not want to do for them.

Remember that everyone moves at night during their sleep - it's just a health and comfort issue! Nevertheless, if you find yourself change your sleep positions, it is a certain sign that you cross brutal spots that make you unconsciously agitated even during the night. You should change your lifestyle to reduce stress and anxiety levels.

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