13 celebrities and their exotic and unusual animals

Nowadays, mainly because it is illegal to keep wild animals as pets, we tend to stick to cats and dogs, maybe rabbits or guinea pigs. However, some celebrities always look like their exotic pets, they simply have to work harder to have them and to ensure that these animals live their best lives.

Back in the Daypeople has really become crazy for exotic pets. It was all the rage at monkey rage or a leopard or, if you are Dali, a pet antiteroerate.Nowadays, mainly because it is illegal to keep wild animals as pets, we tend to Staying at cats and dogs, perhaps rabbits or guinea pigs.Cever, some celebrities like their exotic pets, they justhavent of working harder and make sure these animals are there better lives. It's a bit lovely to how creatable they are their pets and what are the lengths they are willing to go to the origin. Today, let's take a look at the celebrities and their exotic pets.

1.Sophy Turner - Diewolf

Sophie who playersa start inGame Of Thrones fell in love with this magnificent on the whole and decided to adopt it. Now she can affirm with pride that they enter a saywolf ofGame Of Thrones.

2.Kristen Stewart - Wolf Jack

It is probably not so surprising that Kristen has chosen to have a wolf as a pecoding his role in theThe Twilight Saga. What is his otheroption? A pet vampire? Anyway, you may think that having a dangerous dangerous pet, but Kristen said in interviews that's a wolfhybridy and even if Jack may seem scary, he's really a darling, she falls at his feet.

3.Lonardo Dicaprio - Sulcata Tortoise

If you, like me, I have always imagined Leonardo DiCaprio with a pet lion, you might be a surprise. His pet's choice is much colder but nevertheless exotic. He got up a large massive sulccata turtle. It cost him $ 400 to the commercial show of reptile breeders in North America. What did he even do there? Is this the way the celebrity of their time goes to all kinds of reptile conferences?

4.Paris Hilton - Kinkjou

It's hard atipagine Paris Hilton without Chihuahua in his handbag, but who told that. Instead, Paris has chosen to get another inadmissibility to his trusted dog. This time she was going to look for something moreexotic, like a kinkjou. It looks very cute and honestly is not so incited by a chihuahua in size or in color, but it is without hesitation. It's a thought you need to consider when you get exotic - they are wild animals. And this is the lesson of Paris Hiltonearned in 2006 when his Kinkajou bites.

5.Mike Tyson - White Tiger

Remember that this hangover scene with Mike Tyson and his pet tiger? Well, guess what, it's not just a funny joke of a movie. Mike actually has a pettiger. To say that it is not safe to own a tiger like a pet would be a bean euphemism, but you know, it's Mike Tyson, he can handle larger.

6.Kirste Alley - Lemurians

Kirstie Alleyabsolument loves the lemurs and to have them as pets, she should not only make sure they have a perfect living environment, near their natural habitat, but also rent people to catch. Now they live a very happy and luxurious life, which looks at $ 50,000 a year. But she is happy to do it, caused her babies.

7.Vanilla Ice - Wallaroo Bucky

Vanilla Ice Gothemself in Kangaroo and Wallaby Hybrid. He appointed his pet Wallarobucky. It seems to be a good idea, but Bucky had clearly had a mortgage. He tired of his enclosure and escaped Hishome in 2004. He was then captured when scratching a woman's car.

8.Itipi Hédren - Lions

Tippi Hedren Lovedlions so naturally, she decided to keep pets. In fact, she had few of them live with her in the house. In 1983, she founded Thaeshambala preserve and proposes her lions there. Much safer for her, and definitely better for lions too.

9.Tori Spelling - Coco Chicken Silkie Bantam

You'd perhaps heard of this new wave of hipsters who all want to have chicken as pets, but Tori Spelling was in front of the curve. She had her pet chicken for a while and this is not an ordinary chicken. It's a Silkie Bantam chicken called Coco. They are so close that Coco literally sleeping in bed Tori and sometimes just to rest my head. Sometimes they even wear matching outfits together. How cute?

10.George Clooney - Pig Max

We are not sure Ifgeorge Clooney thought he buys a miniature pig as a pet, but he was left with a huge bag belly belly 300 books called. This looks like a kind of unusual animal to someone who is known a sex symbol, but at the same time, man has a great sense dehumor, so we are sure he found it amusing. George and Max Hadbeautiful 18 years together and Clooney was devastated when maxpassée.

11.Grace Coolidge - Racoon

Calvincoolidge President and First Lady Grace Coolidge had much love for animals.The fact that they were in the White House did not prevent them from crossing 10 dogs and taking care of various exotic animals as a pygmyhippo, lions, a wallaby bears and even a raccoon pet.

12.Salvador Dali - Anteater

Salvador Dali was a very talented artist. He was also a man who loved Criminal unique animals, so for her elegant chic pet. Here is a famous photograph of Salvador Dali taking a walk in Paris in 1969.

13.Audey Hepburn - Pippin fawn

Audrey Hepburn was working on the film Green Mansion when a coach of animals suggested that she take a wild house with her so she get used to it and it would facilitate the work with the animal. At the end of Audrey and fawn named Pippin spend so much time together that the animal thought Audrey was his mother.

Categories: Entertainment
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