Male brain vs cerebral female -15 differences according to science

Some people like to affirm that men and women are equal, but we can not deny that there are so many physiological differences, especially when it comes to a complex organ like the brain. Here is the way the sexes differ between the ears.

Some people like to affirm that men and women are equal, but we can not deny that there are so many physiological differences, especially when it comes to a complex organ like the brain. Here is the way the sexes differ between the ears.

1. Men have heavier brains of about 10%, the men's brain weight 3 lb. On average, while women weigh 2.75 lbs. Men have more white materials, while women have more gray matter, no related intelligence.

2. The amygdala of a man is greater than a woman - this part of the brain is associated with the emotion and memory of emotion.

3. The hippocampus of a woman is much greater than a man - it's the part of the essential brain in memorization and learning.

4. Men and women use completely different parts of their brains to handle the same functions and tasks.

5. Women are more efficient in multitasking and different flows at the same time, while men become more frustrated when they have to do several tasks at the same time. This is due to the amount of gray matter against white matter in the brain.

6. The brain of a woman is designed to remember all the details, while the brain of a man usually holds more at the main points.

7. Once lost in a new place, women remember information about the reference points on the road, while men will recall the distance traveled and the direction traveled.

8. Men think about sex more often than women. As if we did not know it before! Men's minds are often controlled by sexual thoughts, while for women, this thought frequency is cut in two.

9. Women tend to be more chatted, their brain-like pleasure center is possibly linked to sociability. Women use up to three times more words than their male counterparts on a daily basis.

10. Men and women perceive humor differently. Although women appreciate the subtleties of humor and language used in a presentation, men focus on a positive and happy result of a story.

11. Women perceive speech without heir intuition and emotion, while men tend to perceive speech with a logic to interpret what they hear in a simple way. For this reason, women see hidden meanings and subtle notes more frequently than men.

12. The cuddles affect men and women differently - while hugging a man who can harvest positive results, he is more likely to make an ease feel, with a 20-second hug improving his own self-confidence and His general happiness.

13. Women have more advanced and developed organizational skills, for the most part, even if we know some rather disordered ladies in our own lives!

14. While women are better at multitasking, men absorb faster than their female counterparts so that they can tend to be more responsive.

15. As a brain of a woman's and age of the brain from one man to another, the male brain shrinks much faster than the female brain, why women are often sharp in old age.

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