9 little things notice about you even if you think they do not do it

While men are paying attention to the most obvious things first, they care about everything else. They pay attention to the things you say, how do you tell them, your personality, your point of view on life, your style, etc. They could not comment, but believe me, they notice. So, let's talk about 9 things that notice that you notice about you, even if you think they do not do it.

We tend to think that men do not really notice the little things. All they care about feeling, no? Well, it's not really true. While men are paying attention to the most obvious things first, they care about everything else. They pay attention to the things you say, how do you tell them, your personality, your point of view on life, your style, etc. They could not comment, but believe me, they notice. So, let's talk about 9 things that notice that you notice about you, even if you think they do not do it.

1. Style meaning
All men are not classified on what is connected right now. They may not know that mom jeans are what is in and that this flared jeans will come back, but they can say in general if you have a good sense of style and they will complete you if they see you see you see a effort. And no matter if it's just a nice pair of jeans and a fancy dress or a fancy dress if you look good, it will notice.

2. Nails
We do not really think about men when we get our nails, it's more about "me time" and what we have fun. We do it for ourselves or maybe show our friends. But men noticine and they love it when girls have beautiful nails. We are not talking about crazy art of nail here, but just beautiful nails will send the right kind of message to your man.

3. Personality
Your personality is what makes a man standing or leaving. And the consensus here is that no one likes bitter or big people. We all want someone interesting and pleasant to go out with.

4. Perfume
It's bizarre but perfume is a powerful trigger. We tend to remember specific scents and if we feel elsewhere, we instantly remember the person or the place we associate them. But that does not mean that you have to spend a lot of perfume, men will remember a nice body spray or that your hair still felt this cinnamon shampoo just as well.

5. Social life
We all tend to fall into the same trap of abandoning our social life once we receive a partner, but men like this when you have a life outside a relationship. This shows them that you are fun and social and that people want to be around you. We all need a pause of our partners from time to time and have a group of friends spending crucial time.

6. Happiness
Although American girls fall occasionally falling for someone brood (mainly because we want to make them happy), men generally want you to be a happy person. We do not say that you should smile more (God forbids us to tell you that), but just a healthy dose of optimism and a positive perspective tends to attract men.

7. Self-esteem
Everyone knows that there is nothing more attractive than trust. We like our men to have self-esteem and men feel the same thing about us. It's just a lot more enjoyable to go out with someone who is not displayed by their insecurities.

8. sense of humor
Guys valorize a good sense of humor as much as we. Let's be real, why should they always be those who crack jokes and we laugh? If you can make it laugh too, he will never want to go. After all, couples inside jokes seem really look like the happiest couples there.

9. Open heart
We are often told that all men seek one thing if you know what I mean. But a lot of time they also seek love. And most of the time, they must do this first step, which must be terrifying. So, they really appreciate it if you keep your heart open, your clear intentions and do not sting on them while they are vulnerable.

Categories: Relationships
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