The food you think are bad but are really surprisingly good for you

Many foods have a bad representative, but this is due to the misinformation delivered around them. The moderation is the key to everything, and when they are properly worn, these supposed foods are "bad" can be a healthy addition to your diet.

Many foods have a bad representative, but this is due to the misinformation delivered around them. The moderation is the key to everything, and when they are properly worn, these supposed foods are "bad" can be a healthy addition to your diet.

1. Full fat milk
Whole milk is not too fat - others may think that they will go into the virtuous way with skim, but total fatty milk consumers have no higher risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes Type 2 as low fat consumers. The whole milk drinkers actually had an overall lower obesity rate!

2. Red wine
Any alcohol is not bad sugars - this miracle drink is filled with resveratrol and antioxidant that has been linked to spare levels of your good cholesterol.

3. Bread
The carbohydrates were a delight forbidden forever that we will deprive ourselves, but apparently, they are not all bad and complex as whole wheat can constitute vitamins, iron levels and magnesium.

4. Red meat
Too much red meat will make cholesterol crossing the roof. A small amount will guarantee that you get your iron, zinc, selenium and vitamin fair that can only be received by red - untreated meat, of course.

5. Potatoes
People see potatoes like a carbon starch machine, but you could not be further from the truth. That being said, everything is fine. Potatoes can be, thanks to their skin rich in nutrients and the vitamin C content, a good source of useful nutrients.

6. Fruit juice
For years, we were told to eat our entire fruits and exit fruit juice for high sugar content. However, if you drink at 100% fruit juice once, it can count on your daily nutrition nutrition dose.

7. Eggs, yellow and everything
Egg yolks have a bad representative - health monsters deny cholesterol and choose egg whites only in their omelettes. But they are missing on the protein and nutrients of this little yellow. The eggs really protect cardiac health and increase the good cholesterol.

8. SEL
We have all been learned that salt is the enemy and leads to high blood pressure or heart disease. But the truth is that too little sodium in the blood causes dehydration. The salt allows a transparent transmission of nerve pulses to prevent normal cells and even reduces stress.

9. Vegetables frozen
Just because a vegetable arrives in the frozen alley of the grocery store does not make it less healthy. The gel actually helps keep nutrients while refreshing the reduction of vitamin content of vegetables.

10. Crustaceans
Shrimp and crab with mussels and oysters, crustaceans are often a concern due to high cholesterol levels. However, they are also high in protein and iodine while being low in calories, but rich in selenium, a mineral boosting brain.

Categories: Food&Travel
By: lia-beck
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