"Bad" habits that really improve your health

No matter where the advice comes, someone always seems to preach which habits are good for you and who have negative effects. Apparently, many of these so-called tricks are just stories of old women without merit. Here are some "bad" habits with tons of healthy benefits.

No matter where the advice comes, someone always seems to preach which habits are good for you and who have negative effects. Apparently, many of these so-called tricks are just stories of old women without merit. Here are some "bad" habits with tons of healthy benefits.

A cold shower! Athletes are already experiencing the health benefits of this experience, while others think mainly that it will make you sick. Cold water showers actually increase traffic and antioxidant levels, as well as improving our immune systems and facilitating weight loss!

Another habit shower that people think is bad for you isdo not shower every day. Now, if you suffer from serious B.o, do not take this tip too far, but jump a shower allows your body to hold its good bacteria while keeping the skin soft. Say goodbye to wrinkles and hello with glow thanks to the restoration of natural oil.

Use of social media. While stuck to your phone, it's not necessarily a positive social media, has power and friendship powers. Maybe you like a lot of time alone and want to feel connected to society. Maybe you just need emotional support from friends that you do not know closely and personal. If it discourages isolation and depression, we are in!

Bavount with friends. While we do not suggest intimidating someone or acting like an average girl, a normal dose of gossip is actually healthy for friendships, improving them by creating a sense of binding on common ground. It also naturally lowers anxiety and stress.

To be messy. Organizational enthusiasts who read this list may want to go out their hair to this news, but instead of being a sign of bad manners and procrastination, the disorder can actually be a way to show the creativity we have with And encourages creativity in itself! Throw sweaters around and see what's going on ...

Sleeping late.The early lift grabs the worm, but what else? Sleeping later does not make you unmotivated, it reduces your arterial hypertension rickets and cardiac problems. Listen to your body and throw this awakening annoying the window.

Chewing gum. Slapping gum loudly is frustrating anything, but the innocent act of Chewing Gum is actually good for you. Each teacher who spacked you is now putting their food in their mouth - gum chewers experiment with the reduction of the stress and an improved short-term and long-term memory, as well as the improvement of the decision-making and the implementation on point.

Play video games is also considered a sign of procrastination or immaturity. However, fast and action-oriented games can help us convert sensory data into improved decision-making and reactions. Video games When using the strategy, help us learn and improve the overall function of the brain, surprisingly surprisingly.

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