8 ways to use chocolate for good skin

While chocolate tastes delicious, it has actually benefits for health, which means you can keep it as a staple in your diet.

If there is a reason to eat chocolate, we listen with open ears. While chocolate tastes delicious, it actually has health benefits, which means you can keep it as a staple in your diet - with moderation, of course.

Lateral note: we are talking about dark chocolate with a higher cocoa content (ideally 70% or more), not treated with chocolate milk chocolate Hershey bars, so keep that in mind when you read all the miraculous things that occur when you indulge in natural nature and decadent food.

Both eat this magical dessert and applying it in a topical way to your skin can dramatically improve your complexion. Here are all the advantages it confers on your skin, as well as in different ways that you can integrate the chocolate into your skin care routine at home for the ultimate facial.

How does chocolate take advantage of your skin?

  • He moisturizes the skin

Thanks to antioxidants, your skin is protected against harmful free radicals, which can cause imperfections. The cocoa itself is an antioxidant and it is also rich in flavonoid. Flavonoids are filled with vitamins A, B1, C, D and E, which keeps your face with youth research.

  • It stops imperfections and irritation

Did you know that chocolate really has anti-inflammatory properties when they are applied topically? Whether you choose to use chocolate-infused lip balms or skin care products, it will have a mild effect and soothe irritation.

  • Chocolate is a natural moisturizer

Due to oleic acid, stearic acid and palmitic acid, your dry skin will become sprinkle. Treat yourself to a lotion with the magic ingredients of the chocolate - there is a reason why the cocoa butter is so nourishing, after all. You can make a facial mask at home from dark chocolate or invest in other chocolate-based moisturizing products.

  • It increases collagen

Cocoa, which is the beginning of the chocolate materials, contains extremely high levels of antioxidants, which in turn reduces wrinkles and increases the production of collagen. It protects the skin from UV rays, which also maintains elasticity. Thanks to the cocoa beans being high magnesium, they stimulate the ability of your body to produce a progesterone called hormone, which stops stopping.

  • Detoxify the skin and protects from UV damage

You do not have time for a face? The dark chocolate contains caffeine, which helps to exfoliate dead cells of the skin, to let go to reveal a cool layer of soft skin. It also slows the signs of aging and can help you save skin cancer and sunburn, making it a useful and beneficial complement to any diet. Studies show that chocolate consumption can bring a "significant photoprotection" to eaters.

1.Make a chocolate scrub

Consider making a homemade scrub, such as this recipe, which can help bring a smooth and soft skin with almond oil and coconut oil, brown sugar, cocoa powder and essential oil. Even better news? This scrub is edible.

2.Make a chocolate face mask

This Wellness Mama's luxury face mask presents the performance star, otherwise known as cocoa powder. It also combines the advantages of banana, raw honey and yogurt, which combat free radicals and have anti-inflammatory properties.

3.Powder foundation

Yup, cocoa powder is a basic ingredient in many homemade foundations and you will dry much less than other powders purchased in store. Here, cocoa powder combines with spices like nutmeg and pods to make a completely natural recipe that doubles as skin care and makeup.

4. Make a lip balm with chocolate chips

You want to feel like a tantalizing cupcake all day? This recipe is perfect to do alone or with the family and require chocolate chips, beeswax, vitamin E and olive oil. Get louder lips and put the whole family to work - a fantastic way to keep busy kids and add a new shiny clip to the routine of your lip.

5. Chocolate bath

The bubble baths are so yesterday ... Why do not you put yourself in a bath infused with chocolate? It sounds better than a mud bath! Simply mix milk powder, unsweetened cocoa and cornstarch. Miss the fizz? Add a unpleragrant bubble bath for a home spa experience.

6.Whip a body butter

So we already know that chocolate is moisturizing, but regular OL moisturizer can be boring. So why not whip a lighter chocolate blemish air, which doubles moisturizing power? Apparently, the cocoa of this recipe offers a subtle tanning effect, giving the skin a glow fucked in the sun.

7.Clean your face with it

Yup, chocolate can even be a cleanser! With rolled oats, a cocoa powder and coconut oil, you can make these "beauty happiness balls" that create Doughy's "skin food" bullets. Just place a bliss bullet in a certain water until it falls into a creamy cleanser!

8. Create a chocolate conditioner

Technically, your scalp is always skin and chocolate can help your hair become brilliant, long and healthy. This conditioner calls only two ingredients: coconut cream and cocoa powder.

Categories: Beauty
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