Celebrities who have children via substitution

Most people dream of having children, but for a variety of reasons why it is not possible for the couple to design natural methods. Thanks to modern medicine and voluntary substitutes, anyone who wants to be a parent has this opportunity.

Most people dream of having children, but for a variety of reasons - including medical conditions, age or be a member of the LGBT community - it is not possible for the couple to conceive of Natural methods. But thanks to modern medicine and voluntary substitutes, anyone who wants to be a parent has this opportunity. Here are 10 celebrities who have had to experience the joys of raising children as a result of a substitute maternity.

Anderson Cooper

Thanks to a substitute, the host of CNN in sight, who came out of the closet in 2012, welcomed his son Wyatt - named after his father - on April 27, 2020. Anderson, who said that as a child as a child Who understood that he was gay, he never imagined that he would never be able to have a child of himself. But it was very grateful to the port of substitution as well as the professional medical staff who made it a reality. Although he has since broken with his partner, both are very involved in Wyatt's life.

Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka

When Harris and the Burtka spouse were ready to have children, the research process of an ideal substitute was simple: they traveled profiles until they fell on the good woman. It turned out that she had already been a substitution for another gay couple and was familiar with the process. Each of them donated spermatozoa to an egg and both fertilize, which resulted in a Gideon Scott and Harper Grace. They chose not to know which child is the one.

Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade

Actress Union spent years trying to design fertility treatments, but had to overcome his feeling of failure after subsequent false layers. She finally accepted the idea that having a child through a substitute is nothing to be ashamed. Thus, in 2018, she and the future NBA Hall-of-Fame welcomed the Kaavia James girl in their life. Wade also has three children - Xavier, Zaya and Zaire - from her previous wedding with siohvaughn functions.

Alec and Hilaria Baldwin

In March 2021, the Baldwins fully announced the blue that they welcomed a new girl via a substitute - named Maria Lucia as a head of head to the false Spanish ancestry of his mother - just 6 months, Hilaria had naturally gave birth to Eduardo Pao Lucas, what coincident is the name of our favorite Spanish resort city.

Kristen Wiig and Avi Rothman

In June 2020, he came out that the comedy actress andSNL Alumna had used a substitute for giving birth to twins with now a husband Avi Rothman. The couple was spotted for the first time on a beach in Hawai'i in 2016 and was confirmed that he was engaged in 2019. Wiig announced in 2021 that they were married.

Jimmy Fallon and Nancy Juvonen

TheTonight The host and the Wife Nancy tried to have children alone for several years, but without success. Fallon said it was an emotional experience for not being able to have children. Finally, in 2013, they had the Winnie daughter got up through the substitution. A year later, Francis Cole was born in the same process. Although care not to appoint too much information on the substitute due to confidential laws, he referred to "Angels in Dallas" who helped to allow a parent.

Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick

Parker and Broderick welcomed twins to two girls, Loretta and Tabitha, thanks to the substitution of June 22, 2009. Their first child, James, who was naturally born in 2002. Parker explained that she had benefited from Opportunities to enjoy one's life without all the challenges that come with babies who stand (like a lack of sleep), but have reached a point where she was ready to add to the family.

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian

The couple now separated, which are the complete biological parents of his Holy Saint-Saint-Nord, were unable to have extra children together because of a Kardashian medical condition suffering from birth to their first two. As a result, they rely on the help of a substitute for expanding their family by two other children. In January 2018, Chicago's daughter was born and a year later, the psalm of her entered this world.

Elton John and David Furnish

In aNew York TimesMaintenance In 2016, the legendary musician said he and her filmmaker initially planned to adopt children, but then decided that maternity was the road they would prefer. As a result, Zachary Jackson Levon was born on Christmas Day 2010 while Elijah Joseph Daniel was born on January 11, 2013. Both share the same substitution mother.

George Lucas and Mellody Hobson

The man who created the franchise Star Wars, ruined, then sold to Disney in Ruin even also has three adult children by adoption, but he and his wife Mellyy, who married in 2013, had been eager. 'Remove one set through a substitute. Their Everest daughter was born later that year in August 2013.

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