10 female television characters who are great models to you

It is true that the media and what we see on television can greatly affect our self-image and our feeling of value. Lucky for us, between the secret shows of Victoria, we have incredibly liable women, giving our screens and acting like our models.

It is true that the media and what we see on television can greatly affect our self-image and our feeling of value. Lucky for us, between the secret shows of Victoria, we have incredibly liable women, giving our screens and acting like our models.

1. Olivia Benson,Law and order svu
By featured more than 403 episodes of the famous franchise, Olivia is difficult and does not take anyone's guff. It always cuts straight for the truth as it fights against the justice of the victims of sexual assault and other descent people, which reminds them that they can overcome anything and which are worthy of love.

2. Leslie Boche,Parks and leisure
When this show ended, feminists all over the world cried. This girl has a love for democracy, the empowerment of women, equality and Elizabeth Warren. She was the first member of the Pawnee Municipal Council, after all.

3. Lisa Simpson,The simpsons
Lisa was the first female role model for many of us, coming to television around the world in 1989. She is honest, without fear and plays a saxo-medium. She calls the company for her vanity and her expectations of women and constituted the most futuristic feminist of Simpsons, sculpting the way for us.

4. Dana Scully,X files
Dana was everywhere on this FBI show of the 1990s and killed in extraterrestrial hunting skills. She was also medical doctor and one of the only women in a mostly male workforce. Even, it has never been intimidated by a man and called fox or anyone on their mountains when she needed.

5. Summers Buffy,Buffy against vampires
Buffy shouts the third feminist wave in a unique way - hunting demons and patriarchy. This teenager shows that being female does not mean to be weak, being fashionable does not mean that she can not hit the buttocks, and she is never defined by a man.

6. Tina Belcher,Bob's Burger
Animated girls also count. Tina is immutable from her sexuality and is positive from the body. It's a lady who is not afraid to do the first shot - she teaches everyone to embrace their self and uniqueness.

7. Olivia Pope,Scandal
A model for strong black women and a runner of various other #goaux. She breaks stereotypes and leaving nobody respect her respect or the boss of him. Instead, she screams women's rights and easily manages enemies.

8. Topanga Lawrence,Boy meets the world
She may have married Corey Young, but was a template positive body role for teens if we have ever seen one. This coming sitcom was about their relationship, but it is never the only determining factor of Topanga. She was always honest, a straight girl told her about the mind, no matter what.

9. Mary Richards,The Mary Tyler Moore Show
Many may not know who Ms. Richards is, but she paved the way for feminists on the silver screen. In the 1970s, it was very daring and taboo to be a 30-year-old woman working as a news producer. She even weighed on the wage gap at a time when he was unthinkable.

10. Cristina Yang,The Gray Anatomy
Cristina fought the stereotype that women must be sparkling and sweet, instead of his own interests, and of course, of his "person": Meredith. She exceeded her male "mentors" in her career films, borders like an Asian American doctor.

Categories: Entertainment
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