6 Food Every woman should eat at least once a week

Being the superhumans we are, it is important for women to make sure we feed our bodies and minds with healthy and nutrient foods. Because the incorporation of new foods into our daily lifestyles can be a challenge in itself, here are 6 simple foods to easily blend in the meals of your week.

As women, we tend to juggle so much juggling during the week, save the little the world at a time, one day at a time. Being the superhumans we are, it is important for women to make sure we feed our bodies and minds with healthy and nutrient foods. Because the incorporation of new foods into our daily lifestyles can be a challenge in itself, here are 6 simple foods to easily blend in the meals of your week. Whether for breakfast, lunch or dinner, these foods can be eaten alone, like accompanying dishes accompanying a main course, or used as spices to add extra flavor to your favorite dish.

The high accessibility of beets in the average grocery store and the benefits of wonderful health make this vegetable the perfect addition to any meals, smoothie or daily franchise juice. High fiber and low calorie, beets will make you feel full longer and are a powerful weight loss and management tool. High levels of concrenin in beets are also known to slow down the growth rate of breast cancer cells.

Although this may not be a household name or at the top of the Toas Spice Rack Priorities, Curcuma has been hailed as a health healing for centuries. Its advantages for women's health seem specifically unlimited because it can fight cancer, depression, inflammation, alzheimer, brain and heart disease, etc.

One of the largest superfeuvery superstars currently on the foodstuff of health, Kale has definitely a life of the media hype. Packaged with more nutrients than most leafy greens, Kale has carotenoids, flavonoids, calcium, vitamin K, beta-carotene, vitamin C and much more. The researchers also found that Kale could have preventive properties in case of cancer, high blood pressure and asthma. Kale may also be useful for women who need or want to chear their production of estrogen hormones.

Plumping with antioxidants and low calories, blueberries are one of the healthy snacks without the healthy guilt you can consume. Nutritionists say blueberries can have anti-aging advantages and protect the body of muscle damage during exercise.

You know you have a winning accompaniment dish when it tastes incredible and is really good for you too. No stranger at the Superfood range, Quinoa is one of the best additions to any meal that its choches filled with fibers, proteins, vitamin E, potassium, iron, magnesium, antioxidants, of calcium, phosphorus, etc. It seems that this former Supergenice was known as "the gold of the Incas" with good reason.

Maca root
The root of Maca can be one of the most unknown foods on this list, but can be one of the most powerful. Discovered and used for the first time in an ancient Peru, this plant is beneficial in a plethora of ways, including energy production, stress reduction, increased stamina and the overall resistance of the immune system. Due to its high density of vitamins and essential nutrients, studies have shown that Maca can mitigate menstrual symptoms and menopause. In addition, it is said that the plant is effective in reducing the sensitivity of the skin and releases skin imperfections. It can be consumed in the form of powder or capsule. Powder can be added to smoothies, bakery products or sprinkled on salads or soups.

Categories: Food&Travel
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