Lyo the cat is who you should certainly follow on Instagram

Instagram can be a pretty toxic place if you follow the bad accounts. But you know what will never fall? Cats. You should follow more cats on Instagram and you will be surprised at the frequency that it can make me smile.

Instagram can be a pretty toxic place if you follow the bad accounts. It can wreak havoc with your self-esteem if you constantly compare the models, it can make you feel unsuitable that if you only follow celebrities that always look impeccable, it can define unrealistic expectations if all the world you fill only designer clothes and luxury accessories. But you know what will never fall? Cats. You should follow more cats on Instagram and you will be surprised at the frequency that it can make me smile. Here is a fun account that we recommend this week. To followLyo.checat And you will never tire of his soft little face and incredible blue eyes.

1. Look at this face. How can you not want to see that every day? I mean, you should be stupid to deny you this moment of happiness.

2. Skiing? Nah, how about the cat look. It's much less traumatic, but always gives you these happy hormones, is not it?

3. You must admit that it is better for these photoshoots to bloggers do on the ski resorts. Lyo is much more graceful and photogenic.

4. Just look at these eyes. Look at them. You are now the Lyo slave. Test this theory.

5. Do you want to go auction? I challenge you to go out in the snow and bring me delicious treats from pet shop.

6. LYO can also be quite dyed. The official arc nodes have never looked better than that. Who needs men when you have lyo.

7. In fact, Lyo has brothers and sisters and they are also cute. These three are inseparable.

8. They do everything together. It is a knitted group quite close. You want you to sit with them.

9. They will judge you too, but that does not bother you, right?

10. Look at this smile. It's simply irresistible. And simply imagine how sweet these small fur cheeks are.

11. Yes, they all sleep by culing together. This is the best and you should be jealous.

12. You are totally hooked and have already followed Lyo on Instagram, right? Welcome to the family!

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