12 signs that your dating standards are too high

First, let's establish them to have high standards in relationships is not a bad thing. Everyone deserves to be happy and everyone is free to define what it means for them. If that means you do not settle for something else than a Doppelgänger from your favorite movie star with the personality of a Saint - so be it. It's perfect. This does not become a problem when you do not realize that your standards are too high. And if they are (and you do not do it), I hope this article can help.

First of all, we will establish that having high standards in relationships are not a bad thing. Everyone deserves to be happy, and everyone is free to define what it means for them. If that means you will not satisfy anything but a sosy of your favorite movie star with the personality of a saint. It's perfect. It becomes a problem when you do not realize that your standards are too high. And if they are (and you do), this article can hope to help.

1. You have never had a long-term relationship
You may have had good friendships, many short relationships, but never something that would stick for a while. Not intrinsically bad, but if the common denominator is that "no one was good enough and there is something wrong with them" consider that they maybe your standards could be too high. It's you're just possible just had luck with the people you met, but too - maybe not?

2. You judge people. A lot.
In general, judgment is not a character trait well. And it's one thing if you judge, you know about it, and you are good with it. It's a completely different thing if you are judgmental and it becomes the way you meet new people, make new friends, and from new relationships. If your reflex reaction is to judge people and immediately look for what's wrong with them, you will have a hard time avoid solitude. Make sure you do not overcore. It is better to be judgment than having not "filter" for people you spend your time.

3. You have standards that you are not even aware of
As I said earlier - are not high standards of a bad thing. You can have high standards and live your life with them in mind, looking for people who meet them. What is terrible is when you have standards that you are not even aware. If you did not do it the Introspection Intraction of the thought "which is good for me", then you will be constantly hitting an invisible wall from finding things you do not like people at random moments.

4. Your friends are great
To make friends (and meet new people in general) is much easier when you are young. When you are young, you are surrounded with so many people at school, in the area where you live, and just in general in life. And there are no "social norms" that get the way you triggered a friendship with them. So with your high standards and your high chances of meeting new people when you are young - you have probably already met many people who meet your standards and are now your friends. And they are absolutely great. They are favorable, they are a kind, they speak the same language as you (own and figurative sense), and it is a joy of being around them. The only problem is that they are friends, and you are looking for something more than that.

5. You do not give the chances of people
Do not give the chances of people go hand in hand with judgment. Or at least it can. And do not give people's chances is not big. Standards, in general, are good as a "filter", but it may not be reasonable to wait for someone ideal to find and meet all. Be on the lookout for people who answer most of them and give them a chance. After all, what they might miss in one aspect of your standards, they could more than compensate in another. If you could not know how to give them any chance and getting to know them better, what kind of a person they are. You could cut them because they do not do it like the same music you do, but they could also be the most kind person you have ever met. And, in this case, you are missing out.

6. You give too much opportunity
The opposite is also true. It is normal to have standards and limits. If someone is just not a good person that you do not have to continue to give them chances to prove that they are good for you (no matter how cute they are). Remember - your happiness comes first, and if someone continues to make you unhappy, it is not reasonable to continue to give them chances. Simply because they meet your standards in a "check all boxes" kind of path does not mean they are the person you should be with.

7. Your ideal partner is a half-god
Without kidding, I have a friend whose type is "Chris Hemsworth or Tom Hiddleston Doppelgänger". For what it's worth it, these are two very different types of people, but I can only see that both have played gods in Marvel Avengers. And, on the one hand, it is good ... you go girl! On the other hand, if you are literally looking for God as characters so far, perhaps your standards are really too high. Certainly something to examine!

8. You refuse to act first
Sometimes you have to be proactive to find the right person for you. Your standards are already very high and if it suits you, the perfect people for you are simply too intimidated to approach and show any interest. Perhaps you should sometimes consider doing the first step and interest you.

9. You never look only in a place
You may not only be looking for people in the same place. It could be your campus, your place of work, your neighborhood or online communities with people who appreciate the same things you love. However, if "proximity" is one of the standards of your book, you really reduce the number of people you could become friends. Expand your horizons! There are so many fish in the sea (so to speak).

10. You know what you want
In the end, know what you want is a good thing. It is always better to have high standards rather than any normal. There is no way to be happy if you just settle for the first thing that comes from your way, no matter what it is. You must have standards and you must have healthy borders. So even if you find that high standards become a problem for you - do not be fighting about it.

11. You know your own value
Do not be fighting on your high standards. You just know what you bring to the table, you know you are a good person, and you know you deserve to be happy. If you are a good person, you deserve to be with someone who sees you as such and it's also, in their own way, a great person.

12. You should not be satisfied with less
At the end of the day, it is important that you do not just. If you settle, you will be unfortunate to know that the person with whom you find yourself do not worry about the person you imagined. It's one thing to understand that no one is perfect (it's healthy). It's a completely different thing when you are content with someone who does not even answer the basic criteria to be interesting, kind and excited to be with you.

Categories: Relationships
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