10 best TV shows to watch now

There is an hour and a place of binging "true housewives", but sometimes you just want to go back to the base and watch a solid kitchen show. Here are the most popular episodes to disseminate as soon as possible.

There is an hour and a place of binging "true housewives", but sometimes you just want to go back to the base and watch a solid kitchen show. Here are the most popular episodes to disseminate as soon as possible.

1. Heat Acid Fat Salt
Hosted by the adorable and endearing host Samin Nosrat, this show teaches us to master these four elements and to master the cooking, learning to cooking the root. This lady knows what she is talking about - the recovery book he was based on James Beard Won 2018 recipe booklet, as well as tons of other rewards.

2. Chief Table
This original Netflix focuses on a leader famous in each of his episodes. If you are around the world of refined mystical dining instead of being a type of Taco truck, it is the elitist watch of the frenzy you waited, the more he has the beautiful beautiful pictures of any show on this list .

3. Cooked
The favorite Foodie of All Michael Pollan produces this alongside the famous Alex Gibney documentary. His tone is. Just the good type of Snob and focuses on the kitchen at home, describing separate cultural cooking elements uniquely. For example, in the fire episode, we learn from the history of flame cooking meat.

4. The big British cooking show
This show worthy of the drool might not put you at the edge of your seat, but it's soothing and make you want to believe as a sponge cake like any other. The cooking of Aficionados will have hearts stolen by spiritual, dry and very British lovers who make it the perfect show to cut you.

5. The spirit of a leader
This Bourdain Anthony produced this show for PBS. In this, it hunts moderately known chefs and gives them an entire season to take viewers on their unique trips. It combines food and travel in the best way that Bourdain still succeeds, while highlighting the creative process.

6. Unknown parts
And how could we leave without providing one of the best television shows by one of our gourmet of our gourmet end of race! Anthony Bourdain combines food porn with the content of trips and famous leaders. With eight glorious seasons on Netflix, why do not you give yourself?

7. Delicious ugly
Presented by OG Goodie David Chang, this leader of American Korean shows us that our fallots intersect, melt and travel in harmony. The show is based on the idea that authenticity is more on a pot of melting of diversity than purity, and everyone should relax on a snob. In addition, its food adventures are really the delicious nature - Sloppy Joe style.

8. rotten
Maybe not that the most picturesque food journey that will make you want to go to Bali, but it's more of a Foodie crime story, highlighting the gross and corrupt aspects of our supply system Food, exposing all food fraud with its real important truths.

9. Just desserts from Zumbo
The sweet tooth find struggling not to abuse this Australian show hosted by the Pasty Chef Adriano Zumbo. Australian sexy accents and decadent desserts? This show is dangerous with a complete pantry on a Friday night ...

10. With Eric
When your heart suffers too much to watch Bourdain, his happy French boyfriend with lots of bracelets are here to cheer you up. This guy knows his food but is not the most charismatic, which makes even more fun to watch. He goes to the corners either snobbons and the deepest of the universe.

Categories: Food&Travel
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