The artist creates underwater photographs that look more beautiful than the paintings of the Renaissance
Christy Lee Rogers has been fascinated by water as long as she can remember herself. At present, she is an acclaimed artist with a separate style and a spectacular technique that turns his underwater photographs into real works of art.

Christy Lee Rogers has been fascinated by water as long as it can remember itself. At present, she is an acclaimed artist with a separate style and a spectacular technique that turns his underwater photographs into real works of art. They are filled with drama, deep emotion and real character. Looking at some of his works, it's hard to believe that they were not painted or mingled to create the particular feelings of ease and flow. Use of the particular refractive effect, Christy Lee Rogers plays with colors and lighting underwater, like no other artist you have seen before. Here are some of his most refined works.
Growing up on the island of Oahu in Hawaii, Christy has always been attracted by the water and the duality she has offered. On the one hand, you felt surprisingly free and without underwater weight, but on the other hand, there was the inability to breathe and panic that it caused in every cell of a human body.
The artist has a deep respect for water and believes that we, like human beings, will have to pay more attention to the way we treat it.
After all, we are mostly made of water and life on this planet would be impossible without water. Use water as inspiration and source of creativity, Christy draws everyone's attention to one of the many things we take for granted.
The water helps to express so many things from the serenity of hell to the chaos of our daily life, that it is practically impossible to cover them all at once. This is one of the reasons for which Christy loves so much water!
Remember that Moana movie and how the main character is connected to the water? The water even coming to life! Christy feels a lot in the same way and believes that the water offers a deeper understanding of us like human beings living on this planet.
So where do all these majestic images come from? Christy is constantly inspired by all legendary, epic and beautiful things. Quiet a lot of things fall in this description!
Of course, the artist is inspired by the art himself and you can actually feel in most of his works, especially the last series of photographs named Muse. The way she plays with colors and lighting reminds the masters of the old as Michelangelo himself!
She also likes the stories of the ancient world as the lost city of Atlantis and is a passionate fan of various fantasies, including the one created by J. R. Tolkien.
The artist is inspired by new things also - like the spectacular concert halls created by Muse, the breathtaking compositions of Hans Zimmer and imagine dragons and movies of Georges Méliès.
While his photos may seem subtle, passionate and fluid, Christy admits that the whole creative process is far from these things.
She feels a great stress creating each photo, feeling as if it could actually be the last. From this inner pressure the true art is born!
One of his goals is to take the viewer to a different domain, a fantasy that seems too real to be true. Christy tends to overcome things and that's one of the reasons she is nervous while creating her works.
Playing with different texture and textiles, the artist creates a multidimensional space filled with emotional characters and unusual postures.
We can all agree that its vision is unique and unique. It's a rare pleasure to see a real born artist with such an expressive artistic taste!
If the photos could speak, what stories would they say?

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