10 foods that cause your skin problems

Skin problems are caused by a variety of factors such as the weakened immune system, lack of sleep, toxins, as well as what we eat and drink. . In fact, there are much more dangerous food for our skin than all those mentioned above. Here is a list of 10 foods that trigger skin problems.

If you have already had skin problems, you know that there is no magic cream or ointment that will make them disappear after you have applied some on your face. Skin problems are caused by a variety of factors such as the weakened immune system, lack of sleep, toxins, as well as what we eat and drink. You have probably heard that caffeine, chocolate, fatty foods and fried foods can cause acne and skin rashes, but the truth is not the only trolleys to monitor. In fact, there are much more dangerous food for our skin than all those mentioned above. Here is a list of 10 foods that trigger skin problems.

Refined grains and sugars
There is little worse for your skin than products containing refined carbohydrates. Sweet Soudas, fruit juices and most of the drinks you find in a store contain refined sugars that, when consumed regularly, cause acne and hatching. You must also know that everything do with white flour is just as bad! Not only should you be careful with bread, crackers, pastries and pasta, but also stay away from white rice. People who consume refined carbohydrates have a greater 30% risk of developing skin problems than those who do not eat these products.

Soy was one of the "good guys", but at that time about 90% of soy crops in the world are genetically modified, you can not even be sure what you eat is soy and not the soybean monstrosity of WMO. The phytoestrogens that are in soy mimic the work of the clean estrogen of your body and can cause hormonal imbalance. This, of course, is not good for you the skin!

Most experts agree that dairy may not be a direct cause of skin problems, but it certainly plays a vital role in the health of your skin. Milk is one of the many pro-inflammatory foods, which means that if you have existing skin problems and inflammation, that will certainly aggravate them. You may not know it, but about 75% of the world's population is lactose intolerant. It means you could be too! If you are sensitive to lactose, a sugar found in dairy and you consume it without knowing it, it will cause a number of intestinal problems and inflammatory processes. Try to give up the milk to see if your skin feels better without it. Fortunately, there are all kinds of mioms to replace it with oat milk, almond milk, coconut milk, etc.

The salt is the main source of pockets, if you ever wake up to feel like a stuffed toy with your all inflated face. The salt causes the conservation of the water, which creates the entire swelling effect. You may not feel that the salt salt mojo in your 20 years, but in your thirty things, it is best to pay attention and not consuming salted supplement in the evening, because scientists confirm that the Effects of salt are bound to age.

fast food
Fast restoration is obvious, really. There is literally nothing good about fast fast restaurants apart from the fact that they are, good, fast. In-depth fast-food fooids are loaded with transverse greases and too many omega-6 fatty acids. Although we need omega-6 to be healthy, if we consume many of them and we do not consume enough omega-3 to balance their inflammatory effect, we will finish with a pile of skin problems . Omega-3s are natural antioxidants and can be found in all kinds of fish and seafood. You can argue that fast foods are prepared with vegetable oils, but the delicate thing is that all these harmless vegetable oils Can really damage your health if exposed to high temperature, which is usually the case in fast food restaurants. If you need to eat on the point of opting to opt for smoothies, nuts, healthy protein bars, as well as fresh fruit and vegetables.

Alcohol is the worst when it comes to keeping your skin young and healthy. It ages your skin, increases the blood sugar levels because it is packed with sugar and dehydrate your whole body, removing all this moisture that keeps our skin fresh and shiny. There is no real substitute for alcohol. We can only advise you to stay hydrated by drinking coconut and lemon water.

Processed meats
Transformed meats (yes, we are talking about bacon here!) Contains high levels of sodium and you now know that too much salt is no non-no if you want to keep your skin healthy. Transformed meats cause water retention, which makes our faces swollen and swollen. These meats also contain many preservatives, some of which break down collagen and without the skin starting to age at an incredible rate. Go for biological meats instead!

Spicy food
Nobody is sure why exactly, but if you have existing skin problems, eat spicy foods certainly made them. The experts connect inflammatory skin problems with an excess heat in the body and, of course, spicy food will make this heat level even higher. If you want to add more flavor to your food, go instead of herbal spices.

As much as we would like to ignore this one, but coffee is also one of the "bad guys" when it comes to the health of the skin. If one day when you wake up with a monstrous zit on your face, take a step back and remember as many coffee cups as you dubn the other day. And was it a stressful day, as well? We tend to drink more coffee to meet deadlines and do more work, but the disadvantages are quite horrible. Stress, coffee and sugar are combined together are a perfect recipe for skin problems. Caffeine also causes inflammation by lifting your cortisol levels. It is wise to be more versatile with your drinks - for example, green tea is also rich in caffeine, but it is packed with antioxidants that makes it a super healthy substitute.

Milk chocolate
Nothing can be compared to a mouthful of chocolate, but it is also true that chocolate causes skin problems. If we take milk chocolate, for example, we will see that it contains not only milk, but also a considerable amount of sugar. If you have tried cocoa beans, you know they are bitter enough and are much healthier in general. A bite of chocolate sends our brain to heaven by publishing a number of pleasant chemicals, but it also produces chemicals causing acne. If you can not imagine your life without chocolate, opt for a darker type that has less sugar and no milk in it. It is also packed with antioxidants!

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