10 types of women All men are running

You have probably had an experience not so nice when you meet a guy and after a day / week / dating month, you realize that NAH, it's not the guy. And the search starts again, if it's your thing, of course. Not surprisingly, it's the same for guys!

You have probably had an experience not so nice when you meet a guy and after a day / week / dating month, you realize that NAH, it's not the guy. And the search starts again, if it's your thing, of course. Not surprisingly, it's the same for guys! There are things, red flags, small details and habits that have just turned off. All these handsets together form the type of girls guys want to avoid. Want to know what they are? Here are 10 types of women that all men go from.

Addictive social media
There is nothing wrong with having a social media presence - after all, it's a good platform to promote your business and a way to keep in touch with your friends. But it's not normal when women (or man from here the subject) are more focused on their social media lives than on the true. Some women are addicted to this false sense of approval, they get social media and even when they start with the relationship, they focus more on the publication of photos in Instagram than to know their partner. It's a big no-no for guys.

This type of woman is really scary because she is surprising, likes to literally control everything, always knows better (which can even be true) and make any man that she dates from the end of their relationship. Which, of course, will end up as soon as it will be impossible to live under such pressure. She will always tell her man that he is wrong and will try to show her way for a better future.

Yet there are women who use their sexuality to attract guys. These women generally have beautiful air, exuded sensuality, take great care of themselves to be beautiful, but are quite rotten. His true nature will certainly be revealed and will start using sex as a leverage to get what she wants.

Gold digger
We can all agree that gold diggers are the worst. They may seem charming, magnets and attentive, but they are only after men's money and nothing else. It can be difficult to say if the woman is a hollow of gold at first glance, but if the time goes through red flags start out. These women always rely on the pocket of a man when it comes to paying tabs and they take it for granted. They try to run along guys in a lifestyle more expensive and get them more money to be with them. Naturally, guys hate these kinds of women and we can easily understand why.

Jealousy is a laid line of men and women. A jealous woman will always make her guy feel nervous and worried about everything he does, especially when other women are around. She will bomb it with all kinds of questions on where he was and had women. Women like this generally have low self-esteem, so they are afraid that the guy leaves them, which turns them into jealous monsters.

He sucks to be a "rebound" guy, of course, men like to stay away from women who have just been in a relationship and are still not over. It is almost impossible to be prepared for this type of situation because there is nothing really puts these women with the exception of the rest. Maybe the fact that they hurt inside and look for someone to comfort them. These women do not seek serious relationship and most times end well after starting to feel better. No man wants to become the "rebound" guy!

Damsel in distress
Damself in distress facilitates the creation of the relationship because guys feel very heroic and appreciated when they "save" a woman from all the difficulties she faced. However, it is impossible to get out of these women for a long time, because all drug-distress is very fast. It's exhausting and brings happiness to anyone.

Smart ass
In fact, there is nothing wrong with being intelligent, in fact, men love well-being women who are smart and who can express their own opinion. Yet there is a slim line here that when it is crossed, leads to devastating consequences. Some women are so focused on their intellectual prowess they will fight until the first blood proves their point. Being greater than most of their peers, they think it gives them the right to be violent verbally and sometimes even aggressive. And who would like to go out with a woman who turns into an angry Amazon warrior every time you do not agree on something?

Queen drama
Queens drama are emotionally unstable and do not really know how to be happy - both alone and with another person. Their dependence on the drama makes it a bomb of Ticking that waits only to leave. If they do not start an argument, they will participate in someone else. They constantly hate someone and are too dramatic on the smaller Meshaps. Men generally see red flags for this type of behavior before they are too profound with these women.

Spoiled grumb
Like small children, some women do not take "no" for an answer and can throw a tantrum if something is wrong. They are selfish, missing compassion and most of the time behave like a child who has been spoiled despite being an adult. His parents are probably to blame for that, but there is nothing but a guy can do to make it better. See, people do not change when they want them themselves.

Categories: Relationships
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