10 indeterminable signs to help you identify your soulmate

Finding a boyfriend at this age of fugitive romantic adventures is one thing, but find a soulmate is a delicate affair. How do you know even if your partner is your soulmate or just a person in agreement that you hear? Where is this line between a regular boyfriend and a soulmate?

Finding a boyfriend at this age of fugitive romantic adventures is one thing, but find a soulmate is a delicate affair. How do you know even if your partner is your soulmate or just a person in agreement that you hear? Where is this line between a regular boyfriend and a soulmate? What is even a soulmate? Can you only have one or more sister souls there? Everyone will tell you that when it's your soulmate "you just know" or "you simply feel it". But it looks like hippine stuff. How are we supposed to know if we have never felt this before? Once again, the idea of ​​a soulmate is also very hippie spiritual thing. However, being the person I am and trying to tackle things from a realistic point of view, I thought I would try to try to rationalize and give you clues and give you some signs that would help you to identify your soulmate.

1. Your first meeting is different
We all know how much the first meetings can be troublesome. It's exciting but it's also terrifying, you have trouble thinking what to say or ask, you do not know what to do with your hands and you simply feel a little weak. And that's right, we're going through all that. But when you meet a soulmate, you feel like it's not the first time you see. It's as if you know all your life, but I just not seen you for centuries and now you catch up. There is a chemistry that simply can not be explained.

2. You are better friends
Chemistry and attraction are definitely important, but what is probably more important is that you are better friends. You do not guess you, you just know that you can trust your partner with anything. They are always there for you, no matter what, they are your partner in the crime to talk.

3. There is no clutory silence
And we do not say that you are talking to yourself without stopping, it is more about being able to enjoy the silence together and feel comfortable, without the need to feel it. You just know that it's okay, you do not have to talk, you can simply enjoy everyone in peace.

4. You are on the same wavelength
You have just approached you. You can say how the other person feels at a glance and you know when to encourage them, when to console them, when to give them advice, when to listen to their statement and when it is better to leave them alone and give them Spacer. It's like intuition but on steroids.

5. You feel free to be yourself
There is no claim to be someone else with your soulmate. There is nothing need for that. You feel comfortable simply being yourself and not having to put a mask or claim to be someone you can not impress them. You love you for who you are, with all your faults and gaps.

6. You speak freely
We never feel like if you need to walk around the other person on eggs or worry if you say something wrong. They always know exactly what you mean, you feel free to express thoughts and opinions without fear of being judged, you respect the differences and opinions of each.

7. You have similar objectives
You may be different in your approaches to reach them, but your goals match. You hold the same moral standards and your overall perspectives on life are very similar. Your visions of the future are free, you both know you're heading in the same direction and you'll get there together.

8. You feel safe
When you are with your soulmate, you simply feel safe. You know that no matter what happens, you have arrived. It's a bit like the outside world does not really matter and you're not afraid of anything, because you already have the most important thing and that no one can remove it from you.

9. Jealousy is not a problem
You both trust what you do not even be jealous. You do not worry about things like that. It's not something that crosses your mind, because you know it loves you and you trust, they would never do anything to hurt yourself like that.

10. You would do all this again
It really feels good, you do not replace your relationship. Even if you have crossed difficult times, you know you would not change one thing and if you have the choice you would do even more, because it is your soulmate and you will not exchange that for the world.

Categories: Relationships
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