7 classic women mistakes do with men

Women are emotional human beings and more often than not to go with the flow of these emotions against a better judgment. Sometimes we are so deeply in love that we choose to believe that everything is possible, when in reality, well, some things never change. Here are 7 classic errors Women make with men who can drive them.

Women are emotional human beings and more often than not to go with the flow of these emotions against a better judgment. Sometimes we are so deeply in love that we choose to believe that everything is possible, when in reality, well, some things never change (especially if this "thing" is your boyfriend). We, girls, we also tend to get lost in our dreams about relationships instead of being present at the time and experimenting. All these things can easily drive a guy! Here are 7 classic errors that women do with men.

It is true that we live in a modern world when a woman can ask a man and that everything will be good (somehow), but for the majority of guys, it's still not good, and if it's good It's a right flag right there. There is no harm in showing an interest if you like the guy, but taking the matter between your hands and all the action is something you should avoid at all costs. At the bottom of the guys, guys are always hunters, biologically wired to go after the things they want. So, if a guy loves you, it's natural for him to take the first step and let you know about it. But even if you stumble on a timid and after all your advances, it seems even more polite than the one that interests you dating from you - then drop it, girl! Chasing after guys never made good.

Think that you can change / save it
It does not matter the problems, it brings in your life - it's not for you to repair. Whether it's a kind of dependency, lack of work or just some serious habits that lead you crazy, do not think a minute that things will change once you started together or get married. Of course, people change when they are in love, but because they want them themselves. These are the ones who initiate the change. If he did not ask for help before you started to date or do not even try to improve his life, it means that it is good with the way things are things. Think again before going too deep with him.

Play the game
At the beginning of the relationship when everything is fresh and new, all we can think is the other person. Yet somewhere in the process, our concentration can change and we start to enjoy being in a relationship more than the actual person we have built a connection. You start thinking about what you should do in a relationship, rather than worry about his wishes and needs. It is almost impossible to build a significant connection while you simply play the game of the relationship. Forget all stereotypes and focus on your real life obligation that can be imperfect, but will certainly lead to something authentic.

Be unclear
Everyone likes to appreciate, but guys really want him in a relationship. You do not have to comment every good thing he does, but when you notice a beautiful gesture, tell something about it. If he insists paying the bill at the restaurant and that does not bother you, say something about it, too. Taking things for granted is the worst you can do to a guy and your relationship with him.

Commit before he does it
Girls love all the whole of having a boyfriend and being in touch with a lot, they are impatient to jump them before them. It is also true that guys like to keep their options open and are not too quick to engage in relationships. That's exactly why you should be patient and not rushing into things! If you want everything to be official, expect it, otherwise you may find yourself as a friend with advantages and it is rarely something that one of us wants.

Be too necessary
The need generally comes out of insecurity and lack of confidence. If you think this guy is the one who will make like magic all your problems go, then you have problems. This type of mind will make you unhappy and demanding, which, in turn, will make your man miserable too. Be jealous and wanting all his time for yourself to solve your problems, but certainly destroy your relationship. If you have a void inside you and you feel lost and lonely, no guys will never fill this void, no matter how much you stick. Just remember that happiness always comes from the inside.

Get lost in your world world
It may not be the most dangerous mistake of all, but it can ruin your relationship in the same way. Taydreaming is something we, girls, enjoy a lot, especially when we meet this guy. The one who makes you get butterflies in your stomach, you feel hot and blur upside down. We are immediately starting to think about what it would be in the future, when what we should actually be focused on is the present. After all, that's where the actual action takes place! So, instead of dreaming what your wedding dress would look like, what would you say to think about a romantic place for a date?

Categories: Relationships
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