15 neighboring label rule everyone should know

Having friendly neighbors is something we only see in movies and television programs these days. We hardly know people living in our building and we rarely interact with them unless we are absolutely not. But there is a way to change that and we have proposed 15 neighboring label rules that you should follow if you want to be a good neighbor and make your life situation a little more friendly.

Having friendly neighbors is something we only see in movies and television programs these days. We hardly know people living in our building and we rarely interact with them unless we are absolutely not. Most of the time, we tend to press the "Close Door" button in the elevator a million times so that the doors close faster and that we do not have to endure the delicate moment to share a driving D 'elevator with a stranger. Yet we admire these friendly neighbors in the films and want the life situation to be more like that of the characters of friends. Quite an enigma, is not it?

But there is a way to change that and we have proposed 15 neighboring label rules that you should follow if you want to be a good neighbor and make your life situation a little more friendly.

1. You must take the first step. Introduce yourself to your neighbors when you first enter. Whenever you see them in the corridor, say "Hi", let them know that you are new here.

2. Try to remember the names of people when you make friends with your neighbors. As hilarious as it might be to call them "Laid naked guy" or "itching in the apartment 22" as a reference to your favorite shows, you must know their names.

3. When you see the neighbors you have already presented, try to find a conversation. Ask them how they are and how they happen their day. If it's a bit difficult at least - at least, say hello when you pass them.

4. Make sure you do not make too much noise late night or at the beginning of the evening, especially if you know people around you, sometimes spend night shifts or have babies.

5. If you are planning noisy renovations, let your neighbors know in advance and try to keep the noise at the appropriate hours. You know, nobody likes to wake up at the sound of the drilling.

6. Show neighborhood events or meetings. If your apartment complex has a meeting on some questions - come and bring snacks. Everyone loves snacks.

7. Remember to throw some of the lower part with your friends shortly after your moving and let your neighbors know that it happens and are welcome to join. In the future, also leave your neighbors know if you plan a strong evening, they will not be angry with noise.

8. If you have pets - take them into consideration. If they are aboy or miaou when you are outside, find a way to keep them busy and entertained, so your neighbors do not start hating them and you by extension. Buy the fun toys to play, or maybe consider keeping the day care.

9. Take into account the fact that if someone has a baby and their tears prepare you at night - they probably do not do it out of trouble. These people do not have a good night's sleep either, so do not put yourself in a fight with them the next time you see them. Be favorable instead.

10. If you do not mind - offer babysit or pet if the opportunity calls it. Your neighbors will appreciate it. It is much easier to have someone from your building do it, rather than trying to find someone online.

11. Be realistic in your expectations. Some people like to stay on themselves, so if you get this impression of one of your neighbors do boredom of conversations and constant attention. Let them breathe, say it just hello and move on.

12. Be predictable in some things. If you have a dog, make sure you walk it at the same time every day, this way of owning your pet's neighbors know how to meet you and join you on the pet promenade.

13. Drop of holiday cards in the mailboxes of your neighbor, it will show them that you care. But do not go crazy about all the holidays. Stick to big as Christmas or New Year.

14.If there is something that bothers you from one of your neighbors - do not talk behind the back, approach them in person and talk. Do not be a conflict, just voted your concerns and see if there is something that can be done to solve the situation.

15. Do you have to know your neighborhood, so if new people move, you will be ready with suggestions for a good bar or where the best pizza is in the neighborhood.

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