The secret trainer of Victoria reveals 8 easy steps to a perfect body
Surrounded by trainers and nutritionists, Victoria's secret models develop special diets and use a variety of exercises to build muscles (but not too much!) And pour unnecessary books. So, how do you exactly get the "body of an angel"?

Have you ever thought about how Victoria's secret angels manage to look at the way they do? There is no denying the fact that their bodies are perfect, but it also means that they put an incredible amount of time and effort to build them. Surrounded by trainers and nutritionists, Victoria's secret models develop special diets and use a variety of exercises to build muscles (but not too much!) And pour unnecessary books. So, how do you exactly get the "body of an angel"? The Professional Fitness Trainer Justin Gelband reveals 8 easy steps to build the body of your dreams.
Eat cereals for breakfast
You should always remember that this breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so it should be healthy, yet filling, with enough calories and vitamins to strengthen your energy levels that will define all the pace of your day. The Nutritionists of Vs Angels recommend starting your day with oats, because it's one of the healthiest options at breakfast. You can couple it with berries, seeds, nuts and dried fruits.
Forget the sugar
The models avoid eating sugar, especially before great shows or photo sessions. The sugar does not enter any nutritional value and our bodies can easily work without it. If you have a sweet tooth and you do not want to deny the pleasures of eating desserts and all things soft, remember to find a healthy substitute like honey or brown sugar.
Drink green juice "
The secret trainer from Victoria Justin Gelband says you have to drink special green juice every day after training. It's not any juice and it certainly does not contain any sugars or chemicals. The recipe is quite simple - simply mix various fruits and green vegetables. But if you want to try the recipe of a real vs angel, here is the recipe: take 1 banana, 2 green pears, celery, some leaves of spinach and salad, lemon and a few spoons of natural honey to balance all outside. Mix all the ingredients in a mixer - and the turn!
Forget the diet sometimes
Just as it is important to have a healthy diet, it is also essential to let yourself go sometimes and eat everything you want. Nutritionists secret angels of Victoria believe that if you are born everything, you break down at one point and all your work will be in vain. That's why it's important to offer you candy, ice cream and even fast food if your body really wants it. Just remember that vs angels exercise all the time, so you should also!
Find the time to relax
The more you work, the important it is important to relax and make time for yourself. Vs Angels works hard for each movie show to come and photoshoot, but during these intense preparations, they also have a lot of sleep and find the time to go out and relax a nice and quiet place. Have a party with your friends or just spend a quiet evening with a book and a cup of hot cocoa - the possibilities are endless! Remember that it's just as important to relax, because it's about having a strict schema and training all the time.
Prepare your own meals
We all understand how difficult it can be to eat healthy, especially when you are traveling. If you need to travel somewhere or have a busy schedule that leaves you almost dinner time at home, try to prepare your meals in advance and take them with you. In this way, you will always know what's going on in your body!
Change your workout
It is important to stick to a certain plan when it comes to training, but you must remember that this variety is crucial to build a perfect body. Vs Angels do Workout every day, but they change exercises all the time. One day, they can do cardio, continue with yoga the next day and stretching the day after that. In this way, you do not bore yourself with the exercises, while working all your body from head to head.
Try ballet movements
A ballet workout is effective because it is supposed to develop a thin physique of a professional dancer. Forget to use weights during your workouts because you do not need on-developed muscles. Instead, use special dance movements that target ABS, buttocks, indoor thighs and top of the body. You will become thin like a ballet diva in no time!

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