10 that all men do but do not keep

Let's take a look at 10 promises that all guys tend to do but never keep, analyze and realize why it's completely normal and you should not react excessively.

When we enter a relationship first, we all do many promises that we have no intention of keeping. It's normal. Our brains are adhering by endorphins and all kinds of boiling things from Lovey-Dovey when we are in love. It is important to keep this in mind that your relationships increase and progress. However, some people take these promises seriously, then get angry when they broke. So, let's take a look at 10 promises that all guys tend to never keep, never keep, analyze and realize why it is completely normal and that you should not react excessively.

1. I will never look other girls
It's easy to say that you will never look at other girls when you are in the honeymoon phase of a relationship. You really want to be in your own little bubble and there is no one else in the world worthy of your attention. But the truth is finally that this bubble appears and we begin to note other people. Be honest, sometimes you talk about other guys, but that does not mean that you break immediately with your boyfriend, do not you? Well, apply the same logic to him. Sometimes watching other girls is just watching, but do nothing else about it. We are all human, our wandering eyes.

2. I do not even think about my ex
When your guy says he never thinks of his ex, take it with a grain of salt. We all think that our exès sometimes, especially if the rupture was recent or if it was a serious long-term relationship. Sometimes we could even run them, or send them texts. If your boyfriend does it - do not stress, it's normal. Remember that they are an ex for a reason and they chose to be with you now. It's all that matters.

3. I will remove dating applications
This is such an easy promise to do. I mean, you just delete some applications and that's it. But it's hard to keep. We live in a digital world, we have endless options and it is ok to want to watch other people and see what is there, in the same world. Yes, sometimes these things happen, but looking at other people about apps, it's not really a crime, is not it? Both time and it is not really invested in someone, it's not a big problem. But if you see that it is constantly on these applications, which could be your first red flag.

4. I do not have a secret of you
When he promises that he will never hide anything from you or that it's secrets, he could initially comprise that. We all want to be open and share everything with our partners. But keep in mind that everyone needs privacy, and some things really need to be kept private. So do not get up if there are things he does not want to share. The more you push less to change. So be cold and let it have a private life. It is much more likely to open if you do not catch it.

5. I do not even have other friends
This one is a ridiculous statement, and if he says, he probably tries to make you feel safe and as you have nothing to fear. We all have male and female friends. Some are closer than others, but we both. Its good. I mean, it's 2018, you have to realize here that a friendship between a man and a woman is very possible. We are not animals that are governed only by the desire to mate with the opposite sex. Give him a credit.

6. I'm not the jealous guy
You know what, it might not be jealous guy, but that does not mean it can not be pushed to feel jealous. Also as long as you do not try to test this promise, it will be true. But keep in mind that if you constantly flirt with other men in front of him, he could finally be jealous.

7. I promise I'm going to change
Many men promise to change, especially after a huge fight or a serious argument. It does not mean they will change at night, so do not expect that. The change takes time, the old habits are difficult to break and form new ones take a lot of time. So be patient and consider it - they make this promise because they want you, they are willing to change so you can stay together and do not fight. It must say something, right?

8. I will always love you
As much as we would like to believe that, no one can really keep his promise. No, scratch that, no one can control the circumstances or how long will remain in love. When men say that - they think it in the moment, and they hope it will be true of the years in the line. But you have to understand, everything is not forever and nobody really has the power to control who they fall in love and for how long.

9. I will not look at our favorite TV show without you
Most couples have at least one or two shows they like to look together. Be it orange is the new black or foreign thing, we all have a show that we promise to look only. But be honest, sometimes you want to look and your partner is not there, and sometimes you do. It's a hard promise to keep if this show is on Netflix and you can easily look at the entire season. So do not expect it to keep this promise. Instead, you can make it look at these episodes with you, as a form of revenge.

10. I will never judge you
Very few people can keep this promise. No matter the difficulty he tries not to judge you, sometimes he will probably do it. It's hard to be fully judged. Let's be honest, we are all judged sometimes. As if you probably judge it a little for eating messile or leaving its socks on the floor. But you do not say anything, do not you? The same goes for him, as long as you do not feel bad about it, it should be ok.

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