10 signs that you are single, even if you think you are in a relationship

So, you met someone you really like and after a while, you finally settled in an established relationship. Or at least you think. But are you so sure? Relationships are related to intimacy, communication, trust and looking for ways to grow as a couple. If any of these important items are missing, there is a good chance that you do not really be in a relationship, even if you think of your partner as a boyfriend / girlfriend. Here are 10 signs that you are single if you realize it or not.

So, you met someone really loves you and after a while, you finally settled in an established relationship. Or at least you think. But are you sure? Relationships are intimacy, communication, building trust and find ways to develop as a couple. If any of these important elements are missing, there is a good chance that you could not really be in a relationship, even if you think of your partner like a boyfriend / girlfriend. Here are 10 signs that you are alone as you realize it or not.

10. You never introduce each other to friends or family
At the beginning of any relationship, you are likely to need some time to get to know before starting to integrate friends and especially family members in your meeting appointments. After all, no one wants to introduce a new type or girl to all important people in your life on a weekly basis. On the other hand, if a few weeks have elapsed and you still do not know anyone in his / her social circle (and vice versa), you are certainly not an element.

9. or both open partners only when it is practical
The key to a healthy relationship acts as a support system to each other by good and bad times. This could involve providing moral support when your partner has an important hiring interview or when a family member is having a major surgery. But the problems arrive when you or your supposed partner open only when they feel the need. To all the other situations, they maintain their wall and we never know what is on their minds. And, of course, they are never an alternative movement and offers to cheer you up. If it looks like your situation, you are not really in a relationship.

8. A fact of weekend plans without saying to each other
So, you call the guy or a lady you think you're dating to ask if they want to watch a movie that Saturday night to discover that they are out of the city by the lake with their friends. Very good, except that they had ever mentioned that they went everywhere this weekend! Although relationships are not to keep the other on leave and need to know exactly where the other person is at any time, if your partner is to stay mom on travel and big social events, they are not Really a partner at all.

7. One pressures the other for sex
A healthy sex life is very important in any strong relationship. Apart from the satisfaction it brings, it helps to maintain an emotional link. However, if it feels like your sexual relationship with your partner is more like a booty call or if you have sex before you feel like you're ready for this step in your relationship, you're not really together.

6. There is never any attempt to discuss or respond to concerns
Each relationship comes with challenges, even when the couple are ideal for the other. These could be something small things that you are getting on serious problems that need to be treated. But if none of you make any effort to deal with these problems and find a solution, it indicates that the relationship is not taken seriously, which means that there is no link to start.

5. Only one of the two initiates most of the communication
If a couple has a mutual interest in another, it would be logical that they everyone take the initiative to send a text or a call every time they feel like that. On the other hand, if only one person puts in almost all the effort to contact the other, you could also consider yourself as unique.

4. Most (if not all) your relationship is online
In the 1990s, looking for people online and establish a strong emotional connection was considered a little weird. But today, it is very common and, in fact, often leads to love. However, some people a little carried away when it comes to how they perceive their online partner. If you try to have a long distance relationship with someone you have only encountered a handful of times (if any), it's not a real relationship until you encounter with the same regularity to couples who are not engaged in online relationships.

3. One or both keep the relationship secret
When you are in an established relationship, you probably have no validity of recognition. In fact, you may be so much in love that you feel the need to post a million comments and to accompany on Facebook demonstrating that you have the best boyfriend / girlfriend in the world. Please do not do. Please. In other cases, couples who are in a relationship (or at least think they are) act very sneaky about it. They do not inform friends or family, for example. There could be several motivations behind that. Perhaps you are considering the possibility that there is better than someone is better there. Or maybe it's just about getting it and nothing more. In any case, if you are not willing to recognize that you are in a relationship, you are certainly not in one.

2. Physical attraction is the only reason
Obviously, physical attraction must play a role in any relationship, especially when you initially search for this person. But if you or your partner exit only because you are hot, the superficiality of your motivations will only hurt the relationship. Or should we tell the non-existent relationship.

1. You never develop mutual interests
Partners entering a serious relationship often strive to find activities they can enjoy together. This could mean hiking in the mountains, play computer games together, or all that both people have a passion for. When it comes up, if you do not try to find mutual hobbies, chances that you do not look at things from a long-term perspective. That being the case, the chances that this is a real relationship is thin.

Categories: Relationships
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