Young artist makes incredibly realistic drawings of cartoon characters

Would you like cartoon characters to be drawn a little more more realistic? Well, your wishes have been granted.

Would you like cartoon characters to be drawn a little more more realistic? Well, your wishes have been granted. Tatiana aged nineteen, also known asTataimoons Online, has been learned from an early age. It is difficult to say when exactly has it decided to focus on realistic digital drawings of cartoon characters, but the first has been published in its Instagram in December 2016. Since then, it perfects its style and technique , and even posted a couple of video tutorials on his Instagram. It now has about 60 km and we assume that its fans base will only grow. She is a very talented girl and her art leaves us in fear. Take a look at some of its brilliant digital drawings below and follow it onInstagram See when it publishes new images. She is also open to commissions, so if you want it to draw something in particular, or maybe you want a portrait of yourself - you can get in touch with it.

1. BOO
Huh, that's what Boo would look like everyone. Love the little patch Mike Wazowski on his dress.

2. Princess Bubblegum
Princess Bubblegum never looked more elegant than in this cute painting. We like this style of clothes for her!

3. Snow White
How is it cool? White snow still seemed so prim and appropriate, but looks at it in this realistic grunge style. It looks completely different, but definitely recognizable.

4. Sabrina
Have you looked at Sabrina the animated series? Or have you stuck to the television show? Anyway, we can all accept Salem was the best character of all time! And it's amazing how realist it looks. He literally never looked more real in his life.

5. Elsa
Ok, I have a confession to do: I only have seen recently frozen. I know it's been 5 years since the film came out, but better later than ever. Are you outraged? Well, in the Word Words of Elsa -"Let go. Let it goooooo!"

6. Bubbles
Who remembers PowerPuff girls? Which one was your favorite? The mine was always bubbles, so it's really cool to see her drawn as the badass she is.

7. Jack Frost
Tatiana only draws female characters. She also attracts boys. "Rise of the Guardians" was a spectacular cartoon and girls, you have to admit, a group of you had a crush for Jack Frost, even if it is a cartoon character. That's how cool he is.

Would you like to consider a nightmare before Christmas like a Christmas or Halloween movie? It's a classic anyway and if you do not know SALLY or JACK - it's your loss.

9. Bliss
Another Supergirl Girls PowerPuff. This time it's Blisstina. Is not it resembling Rihanna now?

10. Coraline
It was a trippy cartoon, and as weird too. But I must admit, I prefer the realistic drawing to the coraline cartoon character.

11. Purple
I dig this rocky atmosphere about purple. Also, did you notice writing on his t-shirt? It's so smart, purple would certainly appreciate that.

12. Vanellope
Vanellope of the IT Ralph wreck looks like a small drop here, in the best possible way. But do you also want to imagine it like Sarah Silverman when you watched the movie?

13. Aurora
LOL, take a look at his shirt, the writing is hilarious. It was always the little that confused me in cartoon. As who decided she would be good with a stranger kissing her?

14. Spinelli
Finally, always meet the Gobinish but so magnificent spinelli of the television series "Escess".

Categories: Entertainment
By: owen-duff
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