The area of ​​friends: 8 signs that it just wants to be your friend

It would be so much easier to ask the guy, right? But sometimes it is outright impossible to do this first that it could be the last one you will ever do. Nevertheless, if you are not happy to be just friends and / or have mixed feelings on the signals that you send you, there is still something you can do.

It would be so much easier to ask the guy, right? But sometimes it is outright impossible to do this first that it could be the last one you will ever do. Nevertheless, if you are not happy to be just friends and / or have mixed feelings on the signals that you send you, there is still something you can do. Even if you choose not to act, you can observe the guy and make conclusions because usually guys are quite simple about what they feel. The only problem is it really bad to express it verbally! Here are 8 sure signs he wants to be friends with you and nothing more.

He speaks a lot about his ex.
The general rule is - you do not talk about your ex towards the future love-of-your life sitting right in front of you. It goes for guys and girls. Just as you would not be comfortable reversing your past efforts, it should not be comfortable talking about his love of love past you. This, of course, only if it is romantically interested in you. Friends share all kinds of things because they do not have this desire to make the best impression of the other. Do you feel like you know too much about his exes? It's usually not a very good sign.

He never flirts with you
Flirter is something that guys are almost subcommandering when they love a woman. Of course, some people manage to become friends first and two later, there is probably less flirting, but it's still there, just in more comfortable forms. So did he ever flirt with you? If he had, even a joke, hope is not lost yet. But if he does not do it, he is probably more comfortable with you as a friend, not his date.

He does not have time for you
We are all busy bees, but when two people are alike, they manage to find free time not only to send SMS, but to date as well. If you feel that you could release a whole weekend to spend with him, but he's still too busy to even answer your texts, do not really mention to meet somewhere in private, then he probably does not like you a lot.

It's never the first step
Most guys tend to act as hunters when they see a girl they love. It may be less obvious in the modern era with roles that change all the time, nevertheless, when it comes to going out with dating, it is always common as guys to take the first step. They see what they love and they want to see more - it's as simple as that. If, on the other hand, you are the one who makes all the planning, texts and haunting where to invite him - you are always in his area of ​​friends. Try to shut up for a moment and see what's going on. If he does not even notice that you have magically disappeared from his life - so it's better to forget all this guy.

He rarely text you
Just as you want to spend more time with the person you love, you also want to send longer texts. If you are usually the one that sends them messages and not vice versa, and your SMS is somewhat short and devoid of emoticons, you should really get closer to your relationships. The friendships also come in a variety of shapes and sizes and it can very well be the one that makes you more harm than good!

I do not mind talking about your male friends
If it's totally correct to talk about your exès and other male friends, then it's not a good sign. Try to mention a guy who asked you or maybe an ex that contacted you and observe his reaction. If he shows any type of discomfort, crosses his hands or scamping his eyes, then there is still a chance that he is interested in you being more than his friend. But otherwise ... maybe it's time to cope with the truth!

You always meet in groups of friends
If you hardly have head-to-face interactions, you have problems. He could call you and even create a meeting, but when you arrive, he's still surrounded by friends. This means that you are just another friendly face that he likes to go out with and have a good time together, but nothing more. Of course, there is a little chance that it is too shy to ask you for a real date, but if you know the guy well, you have probably already understood that this is true or not.

It has been around forever and never asked you for a date
Yes, we admit that some relationships have long-lived friendships, but you should always be ready for anything. Is there a colleague you've known for years? Or maybe he's a good friend you know since your childhood? If you suddenly understand that you feel something not flatics enough towards the guy, that does not mean that he feels in the same way. In fact, if you have known for years and still has not at least trying to get closer - it's a real sign that you want you to stay friends, nothing more.

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