7 tips on how to find your home decoration style of the house

Nowadays, the age of having a personal style is quite important. Everyone wants to be unique and be a trendset.

Nowadays, the age of having a personal style is quite important. Everyone wants to be unique and be a trendset. It means not only dressing in a unique and elegant way, but also have a beautifully decorated house too. And while you dress up can be a little easier because you can try different things and buy the ones you love and that suit you - decorate a house is a little more difficult. How do you know if it's the style for you? Will this style of decoration suit your home, you will feel comfortable in your own living room? Well, there are actually some ways to discover your decoration style and here's how you do it.

1. Take a quiz
It might seem a little silly, but there are actually a lot of online quiz that can help you determine what you prefer the decoration you prefer. Just make sure to take them on appropriate websites that are serious about the design of the house, not a random Facebook quiz, okay?

2. Design magazines
Looking through a pile of home decoration design and magazines will also help. You will see what's up, learn to differentiate styles and learn what you do and you do not like. In addition, these magazines make perfect table books that your friends can browse when they are around.

3. Go to Pinterest
Pinterest is a pit of ideas and bottom-up inspiration for interior design. There is really so much here, and the more you dig, the best things you find. You can create your own board there and save all the designs you like.

4. Design blogs
Once you have spent enough time on Pinterest looking for home decoration ideas, you will learn about different design blogs and quickly find those favorite that match your taste. Follow them, they can be your source of inspiration, an ideal place to fly and rebound ideas and help you develop your own personal style.

5. Buy an anchor piece
It is not obliged to be the centerpiece of your home, but it will be a starting point. Find a piece of furniture that you like and buy it. You can use it as a reference for the rest of the stuff. You will need to make sure everything you use to decorate your home must match or compliment it.

6. Start small
You can start decorating your home with something small first. Choose a table from a library that you want to decorate first. Get pieces of decoration like a vase, a jewelry bowl or a support, a work of art or a statue, maybe even an image frame and try to decorate that it is with these things. Leave it for a few days and see if you always love the way it looks like. In this way, you can work on your decoration style in a small area, without disturbing the whole house.

7. Take a class
He does not even need to be a home decoration class. The flower arrangement classes are very useful for determining the type of colors you like and if you like busy and color arrangements or minimalist clean lines and mute shades. This will give a lot of inspiration and you can always use these new knowledge to decorate your home with flowers.

Categories: Home
By: max-frye
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