12 famous celebrities that you did not know how to have royal blood in them

When you think in Royals, what comes to mind first? Is the song of Lord or the photo of the Queen of England? Maybe some of you immediately think of Prince Harry or Prince William? All this goes well and dandy, but there are many more royals in the world than the Queen of Great Britain and his immediate family. Many people have royal blood in them, even if they are the 15th cousin twice removed. So let's take a look at celebrities that we bet you did not know how to have royal blood through their veins.

When you think in Royals, what comes to mind first? Is the song of Lord or the photo of the Queen of England? Maybe some of you immediately think of Prince Harry or Prince William? All this goes well and dandy, but there are many more royals in the world than the Queen of Great Britain and his immediate family. Many people have royal blood in them, even if they are the 15th cousin twice removed. So let's take a look at celebrities that we bet you did not know how to have royal blood through their veins.

1. Hilary Duff
Yes, Hilary Duff, the McGuire Lizzie star and a story of Cinderella has royal blood in her. In fact, according to the ancestry and the results of the DNA, it is the most royal celebrity in North America. She is said to be the 18th cousin of Queen Elizabeth II and, in addition to that, she seems to be linked to Catherine because, who is the illegitimate daughter of King Henry VIII.

2. Johnny Depp
People are quite divided these days when it comes to Johnny Depp. These allegations of physical abuse really make a number on its reputation. But that you are on his side or amber, one thing is certain. The good old Johnny has royal blood in him. It is the 20th cousin of the queen and he is also bound to the Deppes family who were French Huguenots.

3. Brooke Shields
Brooke is famous for his magnificent looks and was considered one of the most beautiful people in the world when she was a model. Since then, she has been trying her hand by acting in movies and television shows and other things. It could be outdated its 52-year-old mature premium, but it certainly agitates gracefully, and this could be because of its royal ancestry. It is actually the second most royal celebrity in America after Hilary Duff. She is the 18th cousin of the queen twice removed and also has links with King Henry IV of France.

4. Justin Bieber
We know a lot about Justin Bieber. How he came to glory, how he began to go out with Selena Gomez, how this relationship ended and what the madness and bad behavior of boys followed. We know that he is trying to solve things now and seems to be about to become a decent person. But did you know that he is linked to many famous and royal people? Oh yeah, the Bieb is linked to Camilla, the second wife of Prince Charles. It is also somehow linked to Celine Dion, which is linked to King Philip II of France), and if that is not enough, it is also linked to that of Clinton. It's almost as if it were destined to be famous.

5. Beyonce
Honestly, that should not be a surprise for anyone that Beyonce has royal blood through his veins. This woman looks royal and there is no doubt about it. In addition, she clearly conquered the world with her talent. We already call on Queen B, but if you want to get into the details - you go there. Beyonce is the cousin 23d of the current queen twice removed. Apparently, King Henri II is one of his ancestors.

6. Barack Obama
Barack Obama was the first black president of America - it's quite exciting alone, but some people believe that something to hide even more interesting in his ancestors. We do not know if these rumors come from the fact that he agreed so well with the Queen and Prince Charles when he went to Buckingham Palace, but we say that he is the 9th cousin of the Queen removed twice. Apparently, it is somehow linked to the King John of England.

UMA is probably better known for its roles in the movies of Quentin Tarantino, but is not that it is not its only suppalnce to fame. She has actually proved links with the royal family and the British house of Windsor. In fact, it is the 25th cousin of his queen once withdrawn. King Edward I of England is his current ancestor.

8. Tom HANKS
Everyone knows Tom Hanks and everyone loves Tom Hanks. It is one of the best known and universally loved actors in Hollywood. Maybe that's why he has such a powerful presence. But as it turns out, there could be another reason for its dominant presence. He is linked to Abraham Lincoln and King John of England at the same time.

9. Angelina Jolie
Anyone who has already seen Angelina Jolie will tell you that the woman looks like a queen. And it turns out that they would not be so far. Angelina has royal blood in her. It is linked to King Philip II of France, which means that it is mainly French royalty, as well as the 26th cousin of the queen.

10. Hugh Grant
Hugh Grant still seemed very charming and very chic, but did you know that it is actually tied to the royal family? Its ancestry can effectively be traced to King Henry VII of England, as well as King James IV of Scotland. It is the 9th cousin of the queen once removed. Very royal indeed.

11. Robert Pattinson
Many girls really believe that Robert Pattinson is the charming prince they all expect. Who knew there was a semblance of truth in that? It may not be a prince, but he is certainly royal blood in him, so he is technically linked to Prince William and Prince Harry, who is close enough, is not it?

12. Ralph FENIES
Whether you know Ralphennes as the Voldemort of Harry Potter's films, or for his representation of Henry VI and Richard II on stage, you agree that he is incredibly talented in the reading of Royals. He just has this talent to portray that the behavior of the treat in a very credible way. Well, the fun thing is, it may not be just a coincidence. He is really bound to King James II of Scotland.

Categories: Entertainment
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