6-Pack ABS Home Workout, be torn

You do not have to drop hundreds of dollars on training courses or expensive equipment to have a Bog Bang 'Bod. All you need is the knowledge of how to use your own body resistance (as well as AB killer movements). If you do all these moves, you are sure to feel the burn and start seeing chiselled results shortly after.

You do not have to drop hundreds of dollars on training courses or expensive equipment to have a Bog Bang 'Bod. All you need is the knowledge of how to use your own body resistance (as well as AB killer movements). If you do all these moves, you are sure to feel the burn and start seeing chiselled results shortly after.

Bike crunch
Place your hands behind your head in the standard Crunch position, to support your neck and raise your legs in the position of the table, touch each elbow with the opposite knee and in depth of your lateral abdominals, performing sets of 10 repeatedly.

With the shoulders on the cuffs and the spine in a neutral position, enter a push up position without folding your arms (but do not lock them either). You can perform this in many variations, such as simple leg boards or touch each hand with opposite pectoral.

Pilates V
That's exactly what he seems - you crash your body in a V position without rushing the back and must hold this position "V" for three seconds every time, which is a representative. See how long you can challenge yourself better than your best and your kernel will be tight in no time.

Windscreen wipers
Lying on the back with hands with your sides or hidden under your pelvis, keep your legs as straight as possible without locking them and raise them so that your ceiling sharp heels., Lift your soil buttocks and feet to the ceiling. Your torsion hips on the left, the feet point to the right, then lower, lift and turn on the opposite side. He is a representative and we are already tired.

Start in a forearm board position with the hip width of the feet, then increase your hips in the air as high as possible, pressing your ABS when you stop pause, then go back to your startup position . Upper Abs will say thank you!

It is a pilates movement that is a low and ideal impact for your back. Located flat, slowly lift your top of the body starting with your neck and shoulder blades and spine. The more slow you go, the stronger the movement. Work until you get the shakes!

Russian twists
This is one of the only movements requiring equipment, but if you do not have a medicine ball, you can still use a heavy bean box or other weighted substitute. Sit up with the top of the vertical body and the knees bent. By holding the ball of two-handed medications, it turn to one side, then the other, squeezing your obliques and keep the balance.

Located on the back, tap your heels together and evacuate your knees so that they are pressing to the ground. Cross your arms on your chest or behind your head, urged abdominals to lift your shoulders high. Lower and repeat slowly.

Wonderful woman
This browsing your back body, which is often forgotten in training. Lie on your belly, with your legs stuck straight and wide behind you, arms stuck straight, as if you try flying, tightening your back all the time. Lift your top of the body and lower. Do the same thing with your legs. Then lift up and repeat.

This is a great way to integrate cardio into your AB reinforcement game. From the position of the board, draw a knee in your chest, holding the adjusted ABS, then place it at the position of the board while you do the same thing with the opposite knee, using each leg to get a lever effect of the other. Play around the speed - Alternate slow sets and quick sets.

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