9 tips on how you can get the best sleep of your life on a plane

"I wish" - I hear you say, ", like sleeping on a plane, it's easy, pfffft". You know what? He is! You just need to prepare you in advance. In fact, with these tips, you can get the best sleep of your life, on a plane.

The flight can be very exciting if you go somewhere you have never been before or planning a great holiday, the first time. The take-off and landing is exalting the first time, all the clouds you can see of your illuminated window are fascinating and seeing that countries and cities seem tiny from the bird's view can be fun. But very shortly after the novelty wears out, you start remarking screaming children, terrible flour, dry air, personal space lake and every person who sighteting or coughing and spreading their Icky germs Around this closed metal tube that you are stuck for a few hours. It was at that moment that Flying became a necessary evil that takes you from point A to point B, you just want to pass it, and preferably not be aware of the duration of the flight."I wish that" - I hear you say, -"Like sleeping on an airplane is easy, pfffft". You know what? He is! You just need to prepare you in advance. In fact, with these tips, you can get the best sleep of your life, on a plane.

1. Dress comfortably
Unless you take a flight from 1 hour - comfortable dress. Nobody cares about how you are cool in your super lean jeans and how much your high heels are glamorous. Simply wear leggings and oversized high. You will be much more comfortable. Comfortable and easy-to-peel shoes are also indispensable. First of all, you may need to take them to make the safe from the happy airport, and secondly, you may want to take them to curl in your seat - think of sandals here if the weather allows it.

2. Wireless bra
For the love of God and all that is holy, do not worry with one of these push-up bras. In fact, any wired bra will simply become a torture device about 30 minutes in your flight. Go for the more comfortable t-shirt bra that you have, wear a brunette or just wear one of these comfortable yoga sports bras. You can wire your breasts later to impress guys.

3. Hot socks
If you notice that your legs and feet tend to swell on flights - compression socks are a life of rescue. Do not even question it. But if you do not have this problem, wear a beautiful pair of hot socks, it's always a good idea. It can become Chilly on an airplane and you want to stay tastry to sleep more easily.

4. Bring a hoodie sweatshirt
Speaking of cold on an airplane, bring a hoodie or cardigan too. No matter what time of the year is or how hot it is outside. It is better to have it and no need that not to have it and regret it as you froze on the plane. This is the point on which you could bring out the fact that they sometimes give blankets on aircraft sometimes. Yes, being keyword being "sometimes", depending on the airline and class. Little budgetary airlines can not give them, and even if they do, have you ever thought about the number of people affected this cover in front of you? Exactly. Stay away from them and bring a hoodie sweatshirt.

5. Cover your eyes
For many people, the key to sleep fall blocks light. Bring a sleep mask to block the light and throw a baseball cap for a good step. WHY THE BASEBALL CAP? Because you can use it to protect your face from other passengers, so you give some privacy and thus preventing everyone from seeing your sleeping face. In addition, you can slightly spritz the inside of it with your favorite essential oil, to protect you from Icky feels Dowager odors who bathed in his perfume before takeoff.

6. Block sounds
Bring good noise canceller headphones and put a relaxing music to fall asleep. Or, if you are not a fan of falling asleep to music and you need silence - get good quality earplugs. You know, those who will cancel babies crying - babies who cry must be canceled!

7. Do not drink alcohol
Many people tend to think that having a small cheeky drink on an airplane will make them more relaxed and so they will fall asleep more easily. Yeah, of course, you could fall asleep, but will it be a good sleep resting? No, because when you've ever woke up resting and refreshed after having alcohol?

8. Provide melatonin
Another popular option to fall asleep is sleeping pills. Do not take them either. More often than it is not too strong, last too long and they will make you feel the chest and the groggy - not a great way to be when we go into the customs. Rather, make melatonin, it's the most natural thing you can take to sleep, and that will not make you feel weird.

9. Do not hate the neck pillows
Yes, it's not the most disappearing things in the world and can look a little more, but good, if you want to sleep comfortably on the plane - get one. The trick is to get one of these long that you can rest on the side of the plane. If you have it regularly, there is a turn to do this work too. You know that putting in your neck will not make you comfortable. Instead, wear it back. In this way, it will keep your head in place and you can rest your chin on it, thus preventing the situation so embarrassing from switching forward and constantly janking the head back.

Have a nice snooze and a good flight!

Categories: Lifestyle
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