10 alternative massage techniques that you have to try

When you are going to book a full 60-minute body massage to your local spa, you do not think about dozens of different techniques. In addition to relaxing, these unique massage techniques are working physical miracles and improving your overall health and well-being.

When you are going to book a full 60-minute body massage to your local spa, you do not think about dozens of different techniques. In addition to relaxing, these unique massage techniques are working physical miracles and improving your overall health and well-being.

1. Gua sha or "scratch"
In this technique, you scrape the skin with a spoon or similar tool to produce light bruises and redness. It apparently helps healthy areas and stimulate healing and we hear the pain radically. It has been described as feeling as if you bleed, even if you are not, and people say it works wonders. Should everything try once, right?

2. Acupuncture
People are often scared of the multitude of lean needles inserted in your body, but it's one of the best gifts you can give to your body. And that does not really hurt (just do not move). This ancient Chinese technique can really help all the problems, be it gastrointestinal problems, fertility, skins or menstrual disorders.

3. Deep fabric
This targeted massage is really between and works all the nodes. The slow shots applied with intense pressure helps to remedy chronic pain, posture problems or painful muscles. It is also known to help reduce the pain of carpal tunnel and osteoarthritis syndrome.

4. Shiatsu
Shiatsu is a Japanese method in which the masseuse applies a localized pressure with their hands (and sometimes elbows) in a rhythmic pattern throughout the body. It stimulates acupressure points to promote balance and energy flow, and can help a range of problems.

5. Reflexology of the feet
Reflexology or pressure applied to certain reflex points on the foot corresponding to certain bodily organs and systems. It can treat anything from depression at PMS, post-surgery pain. Stimulated nerve endings can free energy and endorphins, so why do not you rub your feet today?

6. Hot stone massage
Using smooth hot stones that are placed on specific points on the body. The heat promotes relaxation and removing restricted muscles so that problems can be better affected. These are usually volcanic rocks that keep the heat well.

7. suction cup
These borer results look much more frightening than they feel. And they leave in a week, so do not worry! The attendant is incredible for blood flow and relaxation of the nervous system, as well as migraines, anxiety and even cellulite. Suction cups are placed on the skin and attend pressure.

8. Craniosacrale therapy
This technique of therapy can treat utis, insomnia and asthma. It is based on the discovery of the century that the cranial bones are linked to the CNS and the fluids of the body, as well as tissues. This unique massage style involves a finger pressure applied to the basin, skull and spine to promote circulation and fabrics of natural fluid.

9. Thalassotherapy
Have you ever seen an ad for one of these sumptuous algae or mud wraps? This is basically what this therapy is. It can treat dry skin, improve overall health and immune system. It is even treated fibromyalgia and is popular because minerals and elements present in seawater stimulate circulation and detoxify the body.

10. Aromatherapy
The integration of scents into the massage process is known for the deeply better mood problems, stress and sleep problems. Odors come from essential oils extracted from plants and trigger neurotransmitters and other factors that control behavior and emotion, alias your mood.

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