10 modern trends of fashion and weird stories

Everything has its own unique story, including fashion trends! Wars and other important events always have a significant impact on the life of society, and it's true for fashion. For example, did you know that men wore healings but then stopped for any reason? And how about shaving habits of women who have changed dramatically after the Second World War? Oh, and the rose was the boy's color, while the girls were all dressed in blue. You want to know how all of this happened? The story has all the answers! Here are 10 modern trends in fashion and bizarre stories behind them.

Everything has its own unique story, including fashion trends! Wars and other important events always have a significant impact on the life of society, and it's true for fashion. For example, did you know that men wore healings but then stopped for any reason? And how about shaving habits of women who have changed dramatically after the Second World War? Oh, and the rose was the boy's color, while the girls were all dressed in blue. You want to know how all of this happened? The story has all the answers! Here are 10 modern trends in fashion and bizarre stories behind them.

Buttons for women and men
You have probably noticed that men and women have buttons on the opposite sides when it comes to shirts. There is a pretty unusual explanation but practical to that. Back in the 13th century, when buttons were invented for the first time, they were mainly used by rich ladies, which meant they were dressed in maid. Thus, it was easier for women's housekeeping to dress their ladies when buttons left. As for men - everything was to access the weapon. So, it was easier for them to use buttons that were right.

Roses and blues
It has become quite common to dress boys in blue and girls in pink, but it has not always been like that. In fact, for centuries children under six were dressed in white dresses while white cotton could be bleached, so it was a practical decision. The color was not used as a gender signifier before the 1900s, but it was quite inversely - pink was considered a stronger color adapted to boys, while the blue was more delicate, so more suitable for girls. Things have changed in 1985 when prenatal tests have become available and parents started shopping for clothes depending on a child's sex. Retailers started producing gender-oriented clothing with separate color palettes to increase sales. And the blue / pink trend blocked!

Shaving legs
Shaving legs are a relatively new trend. Back in Queen Elizabeth I, a huge trendy, ordered women to remove the hair from their fronts as well as eyebrows so that their faces seem longer (well, more beautiful?), But she had nothing to say on the shaving legs. The legs were totally good! Things changed during the Second World War, while there was a shortage of low, because the nylon was mainly used to make parachutes. Thus, women had naked their legs in public. To be socially acceptable, they started shaving the legs and skirts becoming shorter - the trend remained for years to come.

Paint nails
The manicure is as old as the story itself. The former Babylonians have cared for their nails more than 5,000 years ago, as well as the elites of the Ming dynasty in China, whose favorite colors were crimson and black. Elizabeth I also became an icon of fashion because of his well-treated handled hands. Longer nails usually symbolize an elite social status as they are really unachievable for hard work. Although nail trends come and go nowadays, everyone wears them as they want.

Men and heels
It's been a long time since men have stopped heels, although recently, you can see the rock guys on the podiums of modern shows. Nevertheless, high heels were carried by men regularly because of its practicality. High heels helped riders and archers provide their position when they got up in their stirrups. In the fifteenth century, European aristocrats have adopted high heels from the Persian people, which became a new trend of fashion and a symbol of wealth. During the illiments, men abandoned heel height impracticable, but women and practicality (or rationality) are not heard at the time, so they were refused this luxury.

Women and long hair
Women have worn long hair since the dawn of times - it has always been longer than men! But why? It seems that hair has always been a symbol of something - religion, sexuality, power and personal beliefs. Long hair testify to wealth, health and prosperity, as well as long-haired women are considered friends. To have long hair, a woman has to eat good food, sleep well, have no disease and do regular exercises. You must also be rich to do all this, at least that's how things were before. Long hair is always considered a strong symbol of femininity, although short hair is as popular, if not more.

Sloping trousers
A few years ago a few years ago, Saggy pants were a real disaster that took over America. Special laws had to be created forbidden in this way of wearing its pants as unsightly and lack of self-respect. This style also lengthened to the embrace of gang crop and no one wanted such a trend. Where does SAGGY pants come from, you might ask? There are two theories. According to the first, the forbidden inmates to wear belts in prison, have bought their clothes and back from the house continued our style. The second stipulates that the detainees wore their pants like this in order to report their sexual availability.

Men and links
The links are very poor - they do not keep men warm and are uncomfortable more often than no. So why wear them? It seems that the story of a tie dates back to the 1600 and the war of thirty years. King Louis XIII hired Croatian mercenaries to fight the war and wore a piece of fabric around their neck that has like the peaks of their jackets together. The king loved this fashion, which made these first ties mandatory for all official meetings. The tie was then named tie after Croatian mercenaries. Croatia even has a national day of Cravat that is celebrated on October 18th.

Wedding bands and ring fingers
Where does the finger of the ring come from and how have we finished wearing wedding groups on our fourth finger? Well, we have Romans to thank for that. They believed that a special vein connected the heart and fourth finger - they even called it "Vena Amoris", the vein of love. It was only natural to put wedding groups on this finger. It was quite romantic of them! Nowadays, scientists have proven that all fingers are connected to the heart, so there is that.

Women and Hair of the Armpius
We have already discovered why women started shaving the legs, but what about armpits? Did they just woke up a day thinking that it has a little bad? We must in fact this trend of this armpit to the announcement of Harper Bazaar who has shameful of the millions of women to shave their armpits in 1915. As the announcement said, all the "reprehensible hair" had to be eliminated because of of the growing popularity of dance and sleeveless dresses. He presented a picture of a young woman in a sleeveless dress standing with her arms, revealing her naked armpits. In a few years a few years, natural hair was considered embarrassing and women with hairy armpits nicknamed as raw. And men? They never had to shave one thing.

Categories: Fashion
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