Forget pumpkins - you have to eat these autumn vegetables

From September and October, it's all about the pumpkin. The pumpkins get all autumn veggie projectors, but we think it's time to show other amazing vegetable options for this underutilized season in revenue. Here are some of our best choices!

From September and October, it's all about the pumpkin. The pumpkins get all autumn veggie projectors, but we think it's time to show other amazing vegetable options for this underutilized season in revenue. Here are some of our best choices!

These may seem funny and not that the appetizing in the store, but the interior is full of nutrients and has a rich and creamy flavor (especially when mixed with soup - our favorite!). We like to mix and drink it, but it is also delicious in half and stuffed with grains and vegetables of your choice.

The options with this bloody veggie are endless - you can cut them and roast them in vegetable potato chips, cut and serve with a goat cheese salad or a puree in a vegetable burger.
They are filled with potassium, copper and manganese, among other detox nutrients.

Green beans
We always see it in a horrible version of the saucepan some time around Thanksgiving. But there are more innovative ways to cook with vegetarian rich in protein that is also known to combat depression and increase fertility. Try them cut in a cold pasta salad!

This Veggie does not get a lot of media hype, but we think it's an underestimated member of the Veggie FAM root. They are a carbohydrate low option if the potatoes are too heavy for you and people become nervous of slightly bitter taste, cook them in a tagin or stew neutralize that, and you will be addicted in no time.

The missing ingredient at your mouth you expected. BOK CHOY is also working well, but southerly style grass greens have a special place in our hearts and served as mashed sweet potatoes and mac and cheese, we could probably go back to third parties!

Brussels sprouts
These green cancer fights have been on the trend for a while and we love them roasted until the edges are a little craze. You can throw them in a honey mustard and cranberry trim, or you can cut bacon if your interior carnivore sucks.

You can fry cabar grease slices and garnish them for a single cauliflower steak entrance. Or you can include them in various soups, salads and even resounding them with your mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving!

This bright and snappre plant is our favorites, but it is suitable for autumn salads with faces. Just cut a thin sliced ​​speaker and add red peppers and lettuce - the city, a snapshot created, simply blinge with a small olive oil! As incredible added in the risotto.

Cabbage is an excellent base condition for slads and soups (hello hot borscht when we are frozen at the bone), but it has a lot of versatility. You can always roast or serve corner salad, sprinkled with vinaigrette. You can even corner!

Categories: Food&Travel
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