Hilarious questions to ask your partner a good laugh

Do you know what is the best way to find the deepest and best kept secrets of your boyfriend? Ask him hilarious questions. You will not believe that the amount of what seems to be regular, the race of mills, which are actually furniture and geeks inside, waiting to be discovered. All you need is some really stupid questions and they could open one side that you have never seen before. So here are some questions to help you get started, but do not hesitate to find yours.

Do you know what is the best way to find the deepest and best kept secrets of your boyfriend? Ask him hilarious questions. You will not believe that the amount of what seems to be regular, the race of mills, which are actually furniture and geeks inside, waiting to be discovered. All you need is some really stupid questions and they could open one side that you have never seen before. So here are some questions to help you get started, but do not hesitate to find yours.

1. If you could have an animal as a pet, which would be perfect for you?
Most people will go with cats and dogs, but your guy could surprise you with a unique answer like a puppy size elephant.

2. What kind of animal would you like to become in your next life and why?
I recommend watching the "lobster" movie to define the atmosphere of this issue. I guarantee that after seeing this movie, you will have an entire discussion about it.

3. Who was your first cartoon stroke?
We all know that many boys were obsessed with Pamela Anderson or other curved celebrities, but limiting their choice to cartoons will make all the most interesting experience. You could discover that your boyfriend has imagined Ariel La Little Mermaid, or maybe Nala of Lion King.

4.If you were a cartoon character, who would you be?
Is your partner charming, the beast of beauty and the beast or Aladdin? Mine turned out to be Tigger from Winnie The Pooh.

5. What is the coarse thing you ever eaten?
This could simply be a sandwich that has fallen badly or a vomiting flavored bertie all the grains of flavor.

6. What weapon would you choose in a zombie Apocalypse?
The answers can be surprisingly told of his personality. If he chooses a knife, you know he is not afraid of conflict, if he chooses a grenade, you know he has an explosive personality. An elite rifle is probably the most frightening choices you never know what to expect from people like that.

7. Have you ever wondered what you look like a woman?
It often leads to a very fun evening to make makeup on your boyfriend and bring it a dress and walk in high heels. These memories (and photos) will last a life.

8. So what do you secretly call my breasts?
This could be crazy or you could discover that he has nicknamed your Bonnie and Clyde tits.

9. What is the most embarrassing moment you ever had?
Many guys at the height of something stupid like peeing in primary school, but mine said it was the most embarrassed when a girl said that her marriage proposal at the age of 3. Is not it sweet?

10. What is your black beast the most so much skill?
You never expect this question to be the one you endeavor, but when I discovered that the black beast of my boyfriend is when people hang the toilet paper roll on the wrong side - I knew we were supposed to for each other, lol. P.S. The paper must ride from high not the bottom indicating Guru Emily Post label.

11.If you can escape with a crime, what would it be?
If it steals a pizza - you're fine. If this murdens an ex-course for your life.

Categories: Relationships
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