12 crazy requirements needed to work like a disney princess

There is work that is required to surprise and excite each girl, and it's the job of being a Disney princess. We do not really think like an option, even if it's. Disney Land, Disney World Amusement Parks around the world makes this dream work a reality. However, being a princess is not easy. There are many requirements you need to take into account to become a Disney princess and today we will talk about them.

One of the things we need to do as an adult is getting a job. Some of us opt for the standard option 9 to 5. That it means office work in the office, retail work or one of these customer service jobs that require you coffee for people every day. Others choose something more creative, like being a musician, an actress, a makeup artist. Being an online blogger or influencer is probably the most recent and narrow work options. But always, there is a job that is required to surprise and excite each girl, and it's the job to be a Disney princess.
Many of us dream of being a Disney princess like a child, but not plan to continue the opportunity to continue this dream we have grown up. We do not really think like an option, even if it's. Disney Land, Disney World Amusement Parks around the world makes this dream work a reality. However, being a princess is not easy. There are many requirements you need to take into account to become a Disney princess and today we will talk about them.

1. Look at the part
First of all, you have to look like a princess. And we do not just want to say your appearance. If you have the same long hair, it's good, but facial characteristics, height and most subjects. There is a very specific height requirement for Disney princesses, so even if you are the incarnated life of Cinderella, but you are taller than 5'7 - you do not get the job. If you want to be Tinkerbell or Alice, you must be much shorter than that. However, if you match all criteria, you can even get to play more than one princess during your stay at Disneyland.

2. Actually get the part
Auditions to become a distribution member in Disney are exhausting and can be quite brutal. They gather all the girls in a room, align them and the leaders of the casting are walking towards each of them and look closely at them, judging their size, their body complexion and that they can imagine them as a certain Princess Disney. Can you imagine someone just looking at your face, judge your appearance? The amount of control is insane. And then they will simply ask some of the girls to leave. Those who stay pass the hearing turn according to hearings that involve a certain princess, singing, learning a dance routine in a limited time and many other tests. It can take hours on hours.

3. Learn the game
I just look like the princess is not enough. Lucky who get the game, have to spend five days watching movies with the characters they describe them and study them. Learn to talk like them, sing like them, walk like them. You must be able to imitate all the ways, to know which relationships with which they have with other characters and may cite the memorable lines of the word word for Word.

4. Imitating a princess
So, well, even after learning everything there was to learn about your Disney princess, you still have to go in costume, hair and makeup. And as there will be some girls imitated from the same princess, you have to coordinate everything with them to make sure that your eyeshadow seems exactly the same thing, your eyeliner looks like the same thing, the amount of blushing is the same And that your lipstick looks identical. It is not easy. And then there are wigs you need to wear every day. By the way, did you know that all the princess wigs in Disney are washed and rubbed every day? They do so that every hair of princess disney looks fresh and as real as possible

5. Improvisation is the key
Acting as a princess in a controlled environment is one thing. But go out and interact with people in Disneyland is a different matter. You can not just quote your princess all the time. Of course, there will be perfect situations to launch quotes, but most of the time, you will have to adlib and answer many questions that children might ask for their favorite princess. And you will have to think about your feet and not only find answers, but also make sure your answers match the world view of your character and answer the way of your character. For example, Mulan could be confused when it is invited to take a selfie, Pocahontas can become curious mobile phones presented with one and Merida would probably have a little upset if someone offers him.

6. Be prepared to meet tons of people
Being a Disney princess means having a lot of meetings and greets. According to past distribution, about 170-200 people per hour. Even extroverts could find this stimulant, but if you are introverted, consider what a toll that would take you. And it only meets new people all the time. This is the fact that you have to talk to them, be soothing and sweet, make sure they are satisfied with the interaction they get, while remaining in a character.

7. Your face goes wrong to smile
As you probably know, Disneyland is the happiest place on the ground. This means that all people are happy and smile most of the time, if not all the time. Which means two things for Disney princesses. First of all, your teeth must have pearly and brilliant white air so that it can mean whitening tapes and no coffee. And second - be prepared for your face to hurt. Smiling seems easy, but try to do it all day and your face clings. Simply consider the amount of photos of Disney princesses have to ask and how many people they interact - and they smile all the time. On the other hand, we hear that your face gets used to it in a few weeks and your face is less bad after that.

8. Know your limits
Part of being a Disney princess keeps the pretext of being from another world. A disney world, once it does not have iphones or instagram or even popular. A princess should also follow the pretext she only knows about the world as her character. So, for example, even if Cinderella and Ariel are both Famous Disney princesses, they have no way of knowing each other. So, if a child arrives in Ariel and asks if she texts a lot with other princesses, she should act confused and not really know what it means.

9. You will encounter chicken shots
Part of being a princess is quite limited in the choices of clothes. You can not really choose to cover and wear long sleeves if you pretend to be Pocahontas. And unfortunately, even Disney can not protect you from ramps trying to hit young girls and ask for their phone numbers. What is even worse, is that some past distribution have stated that it is often the great-persons who visit Disneyland with families who whispering something like "when you go out of work" while taking a picture with the princess .

10. Do not count to find your prince charming
You would think that while working as a Disney princess, you could find your prince charming among the other distribution. But according to those who worked at Disneyland in the past, you really should not keep your hopes high. Most guys working as Disney Prince are usually gay. So, while the charming prince could find his love with Aladdin, you, like a princess, will probably not.

11. Do not talk about your work
Another challenge that all Disney princesses face are not able to talk about their work to anyone who is not a Disney employee. It's a bit like Vegas. What happens to Disneyland, stays in Disneyland. Not only are you not allowed to complain about a hard day at work to your friends or on social media, you are not even allowed to tell people what character you represent. All of this is part of the protection of Disneyland's magic.

12. You will be part of the magic
As you can probably say now, being a Disney princess is a difficult job. In addition to this, its long hours is a lot of stress, it is not a career option and it is barely above the minimum wage. However, there is a silver lining. You can be part of Disneyland's magic. And you have to make the reality of children's dreams. Meeting their favorite princess is a big deal for kids. This could change life. You must be part of their special day, a memory they will cherish forever. So, in the end, it's really worth it.

Categories: Lifestyle
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