9 habits that damage our health without notice even

You should probably be aware of these 10 habits that damage our health without even noticeing.

It is probably just to say that the fitness has really become a trend these days. We do not say that staying in shape or being fit is a new thing in any way. Of course, this has been a popular notion for the night of time, but the fitness as a way of life, because a style has almost certainly entered the foreground in the last two days. It probably has something to do with the invention and the popularization of Athllexure, many people have a lot of views and opinions on, but hey, if it brings people to pay more attention to What they eat and bring them more, we 'real for that. So, if you want to jump on the train and be healthier, you must probably be aware of these 10 habits that damage our health without notice.

1. Buy cheap sunglasses
We are all guilty of buying cheap sunglasses. After all, we know we are probably going to sit on them or losing them on vacation, we do not see the point of investing in a good pair. However, cheap glasses are made of cheap plastic that does not really protect our eyes from the harmful UV rays. What is even more scary is that because the sunglasses offer shadow, it makes our students dilute (instead of contracting to the sun) and receive an even larger dose of harmful ultraviolet, which can Damage our eye, cause cataract and in the worst case. even result in cancer. So, do you a favor and invest in a good pair of sunglasses, but if you can not afford that you are probably better to skip sunglasses instead of buying the cheap cheap.

2. Cross your legs
How often do you go for your legs when sitting? Chances that you do not even notice it. You have just done it, it's a second nature for you. But sitting with your crossed legs creates hypertension and can actually lead to the development of varicose veins and even serious nerve damage. So, the next time you catch yourself, you turn on your legs when sitting on legs, perhaps make a conscious effort to just sit with your two feet firmly planted on the floor.

3. Eat at your office at work
Many people do this to save time and do more time, but that does not mean it's good for you. First of all, the office is not intended for food consumption. People have various allergies that you could trigger with your food and also feels traveling very quickly and it's just rude to eat at your desk and make others feel your food. But even if you do not care about the rules of the label and common sense, you care about what the offices accumulate tons of bacteria that are not good for your digestive tract.

4. Sleeping from your side or your stomach
Many people find more comfortable falling asleep or even their stomach, but yet comfortably these positions may be likely to cause a lot of problems for your body. When you sleep on your side, you prevent your diaphragm from developing completely, which can cause respiratory problems, back pain. Sleeping on your stomach is even worse, because not only do you limit the movement of your diaphragm, but you also put a lot of pressure on all your internal organs. Basically, it is better to sleep on your back.

5. Feed birds
It's not something that many of us are doing regularly, but many people feed pigeons to make them sit on their hand and take a cool picture. Well, it's really dangerous because there is always 50% chance that they carry contagious diseases such as ornithosis, colibacillosis, tuberculosis, rabbit fever and others. Basically, the pigeons of the city are not better than the rats of the city. So stay away from them.

6. Microfuille popcorn
It's not just popcorn is bad for you or microwaves are diabolical or something like that. These are more of the ingredients of these microwave popcorn pockets. A lot of time that they understand diacetyl, which is a synthetic oil when heated evaporates, you breathe and damage your lungs. So, the next time you microwave, a little popcorn for the movie night - Wait a little and let your popcorn cool before getting out of the microwave. It will take a few minutes, but your lungs will thank you.

7. Treating pain with a bottle of hot water
The use of a bottle of hot water or ice pack is one of the most common household recourses for pain, and of course, it works in some situations, but there are a lot of injury that and conditions that could be aggravated by this type of treatments. For example, what you could deceive for a cramp could be an acute inflammation of the abdomen as an appendicitis, which will not be cured of a bottle of hot water or an ice pack, it could really worsen . Sprains and injuries should also not be treated with a hot water bottle for the first two hours or in some cases.

8. Wear open shoes in cities
You probably think already "But what am I supposed to wear in the summer?" After all, it's the season of sandals, flip flops and open-toe shoes. Well, it's up to you to decide if you want to take the risk of passing or cutting your feet, and potentially infected. Just think of all bacteria in the streets and how easy it would be to enter your blood circulation through a small cut of your foot.

9. Drink too much water
Water is life and we certainly need healthy quantities to work properly. We are sure you have seen these images show that people are 80% water. But that does not mean that you should drink half of your weight in the water. We usually drink when we are thirsty and that's really enough for our body. You will certainly enjoy changing your soda and your coffee with water, but you drink too much water can be bad for you, especially if you have kidney problems or cardiovascular problems.

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