9 actresses that have become bald for cinema roles

It's bizarre how much power we still give hair that day. You would think we would be finished so far, but no. Long hair is always rented on women and whenever we cut that, it is still considered a controversial movement. Especially when done by celebrities. It is surprising how many people care about someone's hair or absence and why they feel the need to express their opinions on it. So, as you can probably imagine, when an actress chooses to shave all his hair - it's a huge deal. Let's take a look at 10 actresses that have become bald for cinema roles.

It's bizarre how much power we still give hair that day. You would think we would be finished so far, but no. Long hair is always rented on women and whenever we cut that, it is still considered a controversial movement. Especially when done by celebrities. It is surprising how many people care about someone's hair or absence and why they feel the need to express their opinions on it. So, as you can probably imagine, when an actress chooses to shave all his hair - it's a huge deal. Let's take a look at 10 actresses that have become bald for cinema roles.

1. Tilda swinton at the strange doctor
If you saw Doctor Strange, you know that Tilda plays "the old" and is completely bald in the movie. With a film that relies heavily on special effects, you would think that it could have simply have bought a bald hat or used special effects or a SMTH, but no, Tilda has chosen to shave your head so that its character seems more authentic. To be the malicious lady she is, tilda shaved her head and kept it secret because"It would be so fun if people do not know."

2. Karen Gillan in galaxy guards.
Karen Gillan is the best known to play a doctor who called Amy Pond. Her long red hair was her signature, but she shaved her head for the role of the nebula in the galaxy guards. She really did not think she was going to have it, but shaved her head before having a game because she thought it would help her get the role. And that's for sure. She was also very nonchalant about the revelation of her bald head by just removing her wig with comic-stupid on a panel.

3. Charlize Theron in Mad Max: Fury Road
Charlize has shaved his head to play the character of Imperator Furiosa in Mad Max: Fury Road. Not only did she shaved her head, but she also woke up a mechanical arm, fought like a pro and manipulated weapons like a badass. The effort paid permanently, since his character has become iconic almost immediately. With regard to the shaving experience of his head, the actress said she found that she was very liberating. "I highly recommend it. I think every woman should do it," said Theron.

Cate Blanchett has shaved his head for a role in a film called Heaven. She played a teacher who decides to take the leader of the embarcader after her husband and some of her students die of overdose. "Shaving my hair is so liberating. I had to do it once for a cinema role, but I did it periodically too. "- says Cate in one of his interviews.

5. Natalie Portman In V for Vendetta
Natalie Portman did not just have the role of Natalie Portman, but she also had to do it at camera and she also had only one grip. She had to act through her and she did it brilliantly. To date, this scene is considered one of the most heartbreaking haircuts of cinema.

6. Sigourney Weaver in Alien 3
Sigourney Weaver celebrates his head for Alien 3 and this film won more than $ 25 million at the opening weekend, which was more than any other film with a main woman that year. Here's the proof that you do not need long locks for Kick Ass, both when it comes to fighting extraterrestrials and making a successful film. Sigourney said that shaving his head made her lighter and certainly helped to bring out a more vulnerable side.

7. Ellen Page in the mouth in the mouth
Ellen Page, the Canadian actress that you probably know Juno, also had to shave my head for a movie called mouth to mouth. Even if the movie is not super famous, it was his first main role. She played a teen living in the streets who then join a strip of runaways. In the movie, the hair of Ellen becomes shorter and shorter with time and in the end, she is completely bald.

8. Half Moore in G.I.jane
Demi Moore shaved his head to play Jordan O'Neill at G.I.Jane. In the film, his character opposes all odds to avoid the expectations of the genre and prove that it can be a marine seal. She shaves her head in an attempt to be taken more seriously and prove that she has had what it takes for work. The will of a half to do the same thing is very admirable too. Unfortunately, the film was not a success and she had a rade price for the worst actress for her work g.i.je.

9. Robin Tunney in Empire Records
Robin Tunney has shaved his locks to play a punk kid with an emotional attitude and problems. And what could possibly be more punk than a shaved head, right? The Empire registers were not a huge success, but it was certainly a breakthrough for Robin. She received a role in a horror film the craft after.

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