8 tips to help you talk to your crush

You have just seen your crush and your heart stopped! What are you doing? How does it approach it? What should you say or not say? We are here to help you. Even a very shy person can win a heart of someone they love. These tips will help you make these first steps to love ...

You have just seen your crush and your heart stopped! What are you doing? How does it approach it? What should you say or not say? We are here to help you. Even a very shy person can win a heart of someone they love. These tips will help you make these first steps to love ...

1. Smile
It's that simple. Just make sure your crumple looks at you when you look at them! If your smile is sincere and open, you will definitely get a back. Your confidence will benefit from your smile and your crush will be open to talk to you. Do not be afraid to look like a fool (we all do sometimes!) There is no way to embarrass you or do something wrong with a smile.

2. Be yourself
It will look like a very obvious thing, but as you are a little worried and focused on everything that is perfect, you start changing your behavior or even forget your name. Relax, take a deep breath, be yourself. You never know, maybe your begein waiting for you all this time. Keep in mind your good qualities and stay away from cheese collection lines (unless you are the king of pickup lines;))

3. Be patient
This could have been love at first sight, but you liked your crumple for a day (and admit them, you are already married, have children and enjoy your time together in your mind). For your crush, however, it's a different story. She / he will probably have seen you, maybe you have encountered face to face a meeting or in class, but you must now intensify your game and go through all the steps. Define small goals because they will lead to big results - start with a smile, then a chit cat and very soon you will be better friend and more ...

4. Stay connected
Are you friends on Facebook or maybe snapchat? Do you have your phone number? Do you have an email address? If you have why not connect to one of these channels, you can create your virtually communication, then continue in real life. This is the easiest way to learn more about your crush and in no time, you will discuss on the cup of coffee.

5. Find your topic
You have sent a text a few times, maybe you like the same music or you go to the same class, the smallest thing can be the beginning of your conversation. Make sure you can talk about the variety of topics and do not forget to listen. When you get to know someone, ask questions about them and display a real interest. Your crib will notice interest and pay attention to you in general!

6. Do not lie
It is always easier to do something better or to invent a new person than talking about yourself. But as you will get closer to the truth and it will be a bad surprise when you betrayed their trust. It is better to focus on good things on yourself and make unimportant flaws.

7. Be clear and honest
When you start spending time with your crush, talking more and more, let them know you like them, but do not expect anything at the same time. Your crush might think that you are cute but that you have not considered romantically. Show your interest and say you like them to make your opinion your relationship.

8. Do not be afraid
Leaving our own comfort zone is something we are all afraid of doing. For some, it seems to be easier, but only because they did it before and you will never know unless you try. If you remember and wait for your crumple to make measurements first, it can take too much time because you have not yet become part of their lives. Nobody like discharges, but these things happen sometimes. It is better to know and be ready to move on to get stuck in the situation you do not like.

Categories: Relationships
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