16 ways to stay independent in a relationship
There is no better feeling than when you have found someone to share the experiences of life with who makes these experiences twice as good. But when you find love, you must also make sure that you have found yourself found and you can keep yourself with your own pre-relation identity. Hold your own and stay independent is vital - Here are some tips that will strengthen this capacity and, finally, your relationship.

There is no better feeling than when you have found someone to share the experiences of life with who makes these experiences twice as good. But when you find love, you must also make sure that you have found yourself found and you can keep yourself with your own pre-relation identity. Hold your own and stay independent is vital - Here are some tips that will strengthen this capacity and, finally, your relationship.
1. Spend quality time with your friends and families. Feed the other relationships in your life because they were there and a new person you are cracking romantically should not change that.
2. Concentrate on time alone and have your own hobbies. Finding common interests is important, but maintaining a sense of car through other interests can be even more important.
3. Do not panic if your other significant does not respond to the text or call immediately. And do not be constantly sent textos or we call ourselves when you are separated. Recording in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week may be a little irritating.
4. Do not be super jealous. If you feel worried or worried what the other person does, it will reproduce and paranoid. Simple visual contact with a waitress will turn into confrontation and want to be his secret service all the time. No problem of trust = better independence.
5. Feed the solidarity of the fraternity and the power of the girl. Go to the trips and night girls, girls' trips with your friends. Spend time losing the more affectionate heart.
6. Suppose yourself! In your relationship and things that are important for your identity that you do not want to sacrifice. Get away from limits and desires can be a turning point - crisp your floor is always better than being a nice blob.
7. Do not be afraid to speak if you feel like you're not going enough time, phrasing with "I" statements so that your partner is not blamed for things or the defense.
8. On a related note, make sure to keep your own opinion. Nothing is worse than a couple with a singular opinion. Keeping to your own unique perspective will keep the exciting things between you and will also improve communication.
9. Do not move prematurely. Having your own space is equal to the hour alone, that is to say that the flame remains on Burnin '. Things can go out if you commit a serious commitment too early, as you pass, without a serious commitment such as the commitment or at least conversations on this subject. This should involve serious discussion and consideration.
10. Do not travel only. Traveling alone is an experience that takes you out of your comfort zone (your relationship) and requires you to develop without dependence on your partner.
11. Ask regularly and focus on activities that improve you health and mindfulness. Keeping a sharp silhouette will only keep your partner around, it will keep your trust in you. Often, in a relationship, it's easy to fall into a lazy crisis, order to take away and stay in bed together. But keep the focus on your health you and your partner you and your partner and keep independence (and a hot bod).
12. Holt your own dreams. You had them before meeting BAE and give everything to make them happy or drop your own dreams to follow theirs, will never be good for your relationship. To sacrifice your own dreams so that someone else is never a positive mood. Compromise, but do not sacrifice.
13. Do not be afraid to talk a lot. Do not talk in circles on the same thing, but talk often enough that it's not scary when one of you looks like what they want to talk about, and the tension is broadcast quickly. In this way, when one of you feels that your independence is compromised
14. Never work together! Even if you feel attempted to work on a project because it means spending more time together, working and playing are two different areas that should be honored different. As they say, do not * and% where you eat!
15. Keep your own bank accounts and independent financial situations until you have serious commitment as a commitment. You can feel really unsure when you start counting on your partner for financial assistance, or vice versa.
16. You do not need to share every banal moment of your day. Leave a little mystery! The cataloging behavior is strange and obsessive, but keep a little mystery is sexy and helps you learn new things on each other every day with old age (without overloading)

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