The breathtaking beauty of albinos was captured by a photographer
The artist yulia tits is based in Israel and has recently been released with a series of photos called "the beauty project of porcelain" where she explores the albino world and wanted the rest of the world to see them so beautiful, as she did.

The artist yulia tits is based in Israel and came out recently with a series of photos called"The porcelain beauty project"Where she explores the albino world and wanted the rest of the world to see them as beautiful, as she did. Albinism is a genetic condition inherited and reduces the pigment of melanin in the skin, eyes and hair.
Tits used children, men and women in a white backdrop. The point of the white backdrop and white accessories or nuances and a different intensity testifies to the complexity of albinism.
The hypnotizing series plays with white on white, like the albino rat sitting on the shoulder of this subject! This also highlights the stereotype of ridiculous red eyes of albinos, as none of these topics have.
Tits said that as a photographer, she has"A passion to create a fantastic world through my work and my art". She sees albinism as a beautiful fairy in this sense, because the fact that their beauty is "so pure". It's a great very needed perspective since in so many parts of the world, Albinism is stigmatized.
Instead of using professional models (there are beautiful magnificent like the Forrest of Diandra), tits has rather found its topics by publishing a request on a group of Facebook Private Albinism asking for volunteers.
She did not use any photoshop in her pictures - instead, she wanted to prove that the white was not one color by incorporating natural shades, shades and contrasts. Tits said"What is transpired was a pure natural beauty. All photographs were taken in white tones without additional color."
I will not lie, some of the men of this shoot make us that we want an Albino Boo as soon as possible. If sexy and an aspect of natural supermodel as natural. So, while tits raises awareness and educate us, it also blesses us with beautiful human beings to look into the process. We do not know why someone would be cruel about this condition - it's breathtaking
And the children on the photos really like to look like small fairies. Like OtherWorldly creatures that are sprinkled with snow - who need makeup when you have a naturally exquisite look?
The fact that many portraits are drawn with the eyes closed subjects also highlight the complex beauty of the various degrees of whiteness, because their eyelashes look dusted with white mascara in the most thorny way. And Hey, we could have more melanin than this little angel, but we bet that no one has skin so soft and flawless!
Not only is this series of photos is beautiful (we want everything that is always in this series of the life of this series on our walls), but it helps to fight the stigma and the stereotypes on albinism which is always unfortunately very necessary On this day and age.

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