11 ways to recharge when you are exhausted
A few days ago you have just cast at night and give you the night and wake up to feel groggy and swollen. You come to work and beg for everything that will help you help you focus and stop dreaming - Fortunately, there are unusual methods to revitalize you and allow you to wake up a little more without crashing terribly to the end of the day.

A few days ago you have just cast at night and give you the night and wake up to feel groggy and swollen. You come to work and beg for everything that will help you help you focus and stop dreaming - Fortunately, there are unusual methods to revitalize you and allow you to wake up a little more without crashing terribly to the end of the day.
1. Drink coffee with alcohol, which is mixed with butter with Java! The coffee mixed with butter may seem weird, but it actually works! Only with high quality ingredients, but the combination makes you efficient and seemingly stimulating your brain!
2. Do not reaches pastries. This crescent you had for breakfast is probably why you are in a crisis now! Try a small smoothie or something with the fiber that will keep your energy uniformly cilée rather than a tip of sugar or caffeine that will end under a disastrous basket.
3. Make a fast workout of 5 to 7 minutes. Jogging for an hour when you are tired, you probably do not make a body already tired a lot, but stimulate your heart rate with yoga or jump jumps can help you circulate blood and allows you to maximize your daytime.
4. Keep some fresh mint by hand because the perfume stimulates a biological response that makes you more vigilant or observer, which makes us feel more refreshed. Its cooling effect and brilliant perfume can really invigorate you.
5. Instead of having a huge meal or two two, snack on smaller meals throughout the day, keeping nutrient-rich fruits and an almond bag on your side at your side, rather than Go to this burger for lunch with friends.
6. Do eye exercises at your desktop (looking for a corner, high and bottom) and make sure you do not look at the screens for many times all day. All that blue light can create an eye strain and be constantly on devices will make you feel tired. Download an application that covers your Orange Light screen to soothe your eye.
7. Go to your Dream Pinterest Table and choose a place to book. Fantasy and book holiday in the near future, will give you something to wait impatiently and will help you persevere after these Monday blues. The anticipation will actually propel you positively!
8. Eat a chocolate bar! Candy is a non-non-black chocolate is a powerful coffee alternative that will wake you up and refreshes these cognitive skills. It will make you so happy because chocolate is scientifically proven with flavanoids (as we did not already know).
9. Médiez for 10 minutes. If a power nap is not an option, you can help find your inner calm meditating a little. This will help you stay centered when you all feel outdated and tired, and you do not have to worry about forgetting.
10. Cold water on your wrists for a few minutes, the cooling effect will alert you because the shake we feel from cold water released a hormone called noredrenaline that annoys you. Your wrists have a ton of nerve endings. This will be effective.
11. Incorporate heat into the room in which you are. A cool room can mean your body that it's time to sleep, so you may feel revitalized by superimposing or making room for a few degrees, so you do not do it want to be buried in a ball and go to bed.

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