6 things that women continue to do dates even though men hate them

We all know how much preparation goes in our looks and our attitude before each date of our departure. Our spirits are filled with questions that we have no answer to. We offer "do" and we limit the way we speak, we dress and we present. Millions of women go to dates every second, but we still make simple mistakes that lead our crazy men. Is it something established in our heads on the generations or is it in our genes now? Who knows! All we know is that we are here to help you and help you secure your second date.

We all know how much preparation goes in our looks and our attitude before each date of our departure. Our spirits are filled with questions that we have no answer to. We offer "do" and we limit the way we speak, we dress and we present. Millions of women go to dates every second, but we still make simple mistakes that lead our crazy men. Is it something established in our heads on the generations or is it in our genes now? Who knows! All we know is that we are here to help you and help you secure your second date.

1. Dress as if you are about to meet the queen
Come on, ladies. Nobody says you have to look neglected or disordered. It is totally acceptable to wear something nice, simple, and especially true for whom you are. You are about to open the doors to your inner world and invite this beautiful unknown. You really want to think about how these new high heels tear your feet or how strange it is to wear a dress during a dinner? You can do better than that!

2. Order without food
If you asked for dinner - order dinner! Men do not care if you eat all this burger and fries while pinning this milkshake or even infusion. What they care is that you do not sleep 10 minutes after eating this Kale salad. We know you may think of ordering something tiny will give you a huge look, but nobody likes to grumble stomach noises. It will respect you more if you order what you want and enjoy your meal.

3. Expect your date payable
You are a strong independent woman. You can pay for your meals. There is nothing worse than a girl who expects her date to touch this check and take care of it. The Dutch on a date is very common and shows that you know your environment and your budget management skills. Now, if your date insists on payment - this is another story. Be nice!

4. Talk in details about your past relationships
We understand that your previous BF could have left you broken. This does not mean that your new potential date needs to know about your dirty laundry. Badmouthing your ex could lead your new date that in a few months / years / decades, it could be talking to him. Be respectful of all your past experiences. They make you stronger.

5. Looking constantly your phone
Your Instagram feed can live its own life for a few hours. Nothing makes an unimportant date that a girl who constantly watch the cold screen on his phone. It does not matter that your friend has a new puppy or roommate has a party while you're out - focus on your date. You can check your social media accounts on your return home.

6. Speak only of yourself
We all know you are great. You have a great personality and you are fabulous. Talking about all your achievements and all your conquests will excite your date, but if you do not know when stop - it could be a huge problem. Ask questions, show your interest for him, get to know this person in front of you! And then you can show him how amazing you are.

Categories: Relationships
By: tania
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