Mom and newborn girl go viral to match the white hair drag

The most important thing we can teach our future generations is that we are perfect as we are born and we should embrace our differences.

The world can have nice standards of messy beauty, but let's be real. We are all beautiful in our own way, simply because of the fact that we are unique, and that no one else on this planet does not look like us. The most important thing we can teach our future generations is that we are perfect as we are born and we should embrace our differences.

Meet the mother and daughter who went viral for matching white hair. WhenMayah Azizwas born with a white hair drag, that's exactly what his family did. White hair is often associated with old age or albinism, but Maya was born with a condition known as piebaldism. Piebaldism is distinguished by the lack of cells called melanocytes in the skin and hair.

This condition takes place in the Aziz family. His mother Talyta was not too surprised. But instead of hiding the differences of his daughter, she started sharing the photos of Mayah online, and people around the world fell in love with this baby cherub.

Mayah even made a cosplay of characters with the same series, like the thug ofX Menand cruella of vil101 Dalmatians. This gives a child again natural factor - I mean, who else can can say to share the same characteristic as "X Men"Character? Talyta hopes that the positive effusion of the internet support (and powerful characters who share his features) will inspire his daughter to love his hair.

The pregnancy of Talyta was not easy at all and, despite her late age, was not intentional. This mother accidentally became pregnant at age 40 and the following month of acidocation were not walking around the park. She was finally diagnosed with Hyperemesis.

After nearly 24 hours of intense work, she has a section C, with "the most beautiful hairstyle in the world". The doctors and the nurses of the room were shocked, even if it was not too unexpected for Talyta. The workers of the hospital complained with compliments, saying that she was "born with lights" and calls him a "baby of fashion". It is prudent to say that these two have become locally famous in their hospital and have had many visits by the staff.

Tilyta herself has this genetic gray drag and is a majestic vision to see. With a mom like Talyta who encompasses her natural self, we are sure her daughter will be honored to share the same series of whites. But it was not always so easy for this mother.

She reveals that as a child, she killed a lot of intimidation because of her unusual appearance and, therefore, hidden behind clothes and makeup until her adolescence. It was only in his twenties Talyta fully realized that his difference made his special and made it a rare beauty. There is nothing to be ashamed of - even supermodels were amused to be great when they were children!

Looking through images of this mother and this girl, these two are so adorable that it makes our hearts wounded. We should all be so lucky to have a mother who is our personal cheerleader at every step.

As she photographs her daughter in different cosplay outfits, Mayah looks totally in her element and her mother even joins her even for some of the blows. After all, the best way to inspire your child is to be a model for them, and this mother supports a seriously autonomous energy. Have you spied a future Cosplay Queen in Mayah?

Mayah's parents will always encourage him to embrace his unique character because each parent should do. We can say that this household is filled with pure love and acceptance that is the recipe to create an incredible young woman.

This is Mayah with mats. His white fringe comes to look like she has natural highlights on both sides. This baby will never need hair dye - she was blessed naturally! Perhaps if we can plug in more parents like that, we will live in a world where beauty is defined by a rainbow of differences, rather than the desire to integrate.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: baby / cute / parenting
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