Why the speech of Melania Trump had to be intentional

Do you really think that the electoral candidate would be so naive for high level production? With this exhibition benefits, does Trump really allow a blunder of this massive to go without verification of facts to an effect as ridiculous?

So that seems quite obvious to me that the Melania train wreck of a speech was intentional. And if you do not even consider that, it would be a mistake. This is a culmination of a campaign on trashy controversy, but it was almost certainly orchestrated by Mr. Trump and his own team, very carefully.

Do you really think that the electoral candidate would be so naive for high level production? With this exhibition benefits, does Trump really allow a blunder of this massive to go without verification of facts to an effect as ridiculous?


All his campaign has been a demonstration on Bad Pr, and unfortunately, it has been effective. Congratulations, Team Trump, you have used poor melanie as a ship to broadcast your ignorant and silly message more. He plagare a past but recent speech of the first lady and the media forces to compare the two, regardless of the caricature of the comparison. He implicitly makes him a politician through this "gaffe".

He dismisses through race and sex, so when you think of the fact that he had his charming wife, although vacant to loosen a strong black woman speech, he knew she would come from once embarrassing, but the 'Attract media, like its past buffon the actions have.


He had a pretty white woman to deliver the words of an eloquent and emblematic African American woman, knowing that America would lose his shit and, well, she did. On each paper and website possible.


Trump's camp is all about making women's feast - they tried to blame all this on Hilary Clinton, saying that she was threatened by Melania and made a goal of "belittling" her. Hilary is really driving on this insane conversation.

Trump turned into a clearly scripted reality show, and everyone in his personal life is characters in this show, including the Queen Mel Page. They capitalized with its evolution in celebrity rather than on the politician (although Trump was really really a politician deserves an increase in eyebrows or two).


We generate this buzz, and he must stop. We must stop talking about this man, who, in his own book, wrote, "bad advertising is sometimes better than any advertising at all". He knows his tactic of Jerry Springer of a campaign sells and benefits consciously. The world will slowly turn into hunger games with this man as president. We are all condemned.

Categories: News
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