Mexican struggle: Zoot costumes and discrimination
Do not forget that gangster costumes were popular in America in the 1950s? These high-wave leg pants and longer jackets with epaulets, hats, shoes with thick soles, long strings hanging at the waist - it was incredibly described in movies on gangsters. But do you know how this trend of fashion started and finally why and how did it end?

Do not forget that gangster costumes were popular in America in the 1950s? These high-wave leg pants and longer jackets with epaulets, hats, shoes with thick soles, long strings hanging at the waist - it was incredibly described in movies on gangsters. But do you know how this trend of fashion started and finally why and how did it end?
While the costumes zoot were popular among the gangsters because they really made firearms masking, Mexican immigrants were the first to wear these costumes. They were extremely comfortable and popular. The Mexicans who wore these costumes were called "Pachuco", which then became associated with street gangs, nightlife and flamboyant behavior.
However, there were no Mexican immigrants who started riots. In the 1940s, during the Second World War, zoot combinations were at the top of the popularity of Mexican American young people. There were also many newly assigned military soldiers in California at the time. A conflict broke out. For no real reason other than boredom, too much testosterone (and obviously racism), the American soldiers and the sailors began to attack Mexican immigrants. Apparently, wear a combination of zoot was considered "impatriotic" by American soldiers. It was not difficult to spot them, because the zoot is very very flashy and made them an easy target.
To anyone who seeks from outside the problem should have been obvious. American soldiers were racist. You would think that the police would resolve this problem, but they do not intervene. And even when they did, they did not stop the Mexicans and never the soldiers. The problem has been exacerbated even further when the US media has begun to cover events. All newspapers stated that Mexicans violently attacked US military personnel and sailors, police and newspapers called Mexican Americans - "Pachuco Hoodlums and Baby Gangsters". He arrived at a point where the press began writing on these attacks as having a "cleaning effect that helped Los Angeles get rid of hoodlums and decrepons".
Shortly after, zoot costumes were made illegal to bring to the. The reason the authorities took place for this was that it was war and everything that needed rationing. Apparently, the combinations zoot necessary for too much fabric and that was unreasonable and useless at the time of war. However, this did not prevent Mexican young Americans. They continued to carry the costumes they already had and there were always these people willing to make new costumes, even if it was illegal. This has generated even more attacks, this time not only in California but across the United States.
In the end, zoot combinations have become a symbol of the Mexican American struggle for their rights.