Prada bags forever: 22 celebrities who love Prada

Prada's bags and handbags are known for their timeless structure and rich leather. These handbags have become a must for celebrities and all those who are interested in fashion. Although we can not all allow us a prada bag, we can look at them with respect and see which celebrities prefer prada bags.

Prada is a timeless brand. Founded all the way from 1913, it is always one of the world's most famous designer brands. It looks like Prada could just stop advertising and they would always be a fashion clip. Prada's bags and handbags are known for their timeless structure and rich leather. These handbags have become a must for celebrities and all those who are interested in fashion. Although we can not all allow us a prada bag, we can look at them with respect and see which celebrities prefer prada bags.

Taylor Swift seems to be a fan of prada bags. Here you can see her out and bring her Prada direction bag and the other photo, we see it with a classic Prada Saffiano.

Selena Gomez with a tote "Galleria" Prada.

Jennifer Garner with a praada bag of structured beige but cute. If you wonder what his bag is called - it's a Prada Top Handin briefcase.

Nicole Kidman is also a fan of Prada bags. Here she is with a classic classic prada bag, a bright red red and the last bag in Rabat of Prada Madras Spring / Summer 2011

Charlize Theron with his bag tan praada.

Kate Mara is a proud owner not only from a normal size prada bag, but she seems to love Prada enough to buy their sports bag for travel.

Diane Kruger seems to love her bag prada so much that she seems that she never leaves home without her.

Famke Janssen takes her blue gardener of Prada Saffiano on a pet promenade.

Lily Collins seems to love this prada bag design so much so much that she bought it in some nuances.

Mary-Kate Olsen, the Queen of Shabby Chic herself and his favorite tote Prada Napa Fringe.

Jessica Alba can bring both a classic prada bag of black with style and make funky motric work with ease.

Anna Cleveland with his awesome bag of Prada Galleria.

Lily Allen clearly loves fun patterns and bags. Here it is with a bag of Fleuri Prada and, as you can see, it also has the prada striped tote bag.

Miranda Kerr also loves prada bags in all shapes and shapes. She seems to have a prada bag for every occasion.

Chiara Ferragni with a Micro Prada bag that still costs a fortune, but can hardly fit a mobile phone.

Emma Watson and his tote bag are a living proof that Prada sometimes makes non-leather bags.

Daria Shapovalova with a unique Prada face shoulder bag.

Beyonce, being Queen B, she obviously has some bags of Prada too. Here you can see his Prada Fringe bag and a small hibiscus bag of Prada Saffiano.

Rihanna glue with bags of Prada over the years. You can see by his hair that these images are years apart, but she always has a prada bag on her arm.

Sofia Vergara is probably a bag of Prada Mega-Fan. She seems to have an endless offer of prada bags, perfect for each outfit.

Uma Thurman is also a fairly fan fan. Here are two of his prada bags. A classic black and a subtle dark green.

ANNE HATHAWAY with its sensitive convertible potera prada

Categories: Fashion
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