How to organize a good wedding during locking

Did you consider making your wedding this year but did your county entered Lockdown?

Do you intend to have your wedding this year, but your county goes to cellular isolation? Many had to cancel or postpone their wedding plans because of the pandemic. It means a lot of lost deposits and dreaming destination marriages that will not happen in the near future. But if you just engaged recently and were just in the early stages of wedding planning - there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Lockdown's power rings badly, but it's an excellent opportunity to plan everything, organize a lot of things yourself and save money on wedding planning companies. Here are some suggestions and advice on what you can do to organize a good wedding during Lockdown.

1. LOCK DOWN The theme

A lot of time people have a general idea of ​​what they want their marriage to look like, but it's hard to pronounce on the details of the moment if you hire a team, give them the general theme of the event and can Be a tip Pinterest to her out of the base. However, now that you may have more free time during Lockdown you can really choose and choose exactly what you want everything to look like.


Finding a location is the hardest usually, because everything is reserved in advance. However, now that everyone is delayed and we are all kinds of doing the idea of ​​delaying everything until a better time that you can really find the perfect location and book. Otherwise, if you are going to have a small wedding, you can spend more time exploring places near you and see what you can do to make them as cute as you want.

3. DIY Decor

In normal circumstances, you would have time for and probably hiring either someone to decorate the place or buy ready-to-use decorations. Now you can actually devote the DIY time an impressive decoration. It's time for trial and error, you are not in a hurry and you can actually test several options and become a DIY queen in the process, not to mention all the money you will save by doing yourself .

4. Online shopping

While buying an online wedding dress could be risky, you can buy pieces like accessories and small decor tips that would go on the tables. There are many sales and discounts around it is the best time to buy things like that. In addition, you have the extra time to go to hunting bargains on eBay and buy used things like flower vases or other decorative things.

5. Hair tests and makeup

Many of the wives of time renting makeup artists and hairdressers for their event, and you can always do that, but it does not hurt to learn what you like. There are so many online tutorials regarding hair and makeup that you could as well give him a shot. Who knows, maybe you will learn that you really yourself and save a lot of money, or maybe you'll just have time to test what works and does not suit you once you hire a makeup artist that you will know exactly what you want them to do.

6. Write your wishes

Lockdown gives you a unique opportunity to spend more time and write your perfect wishes if that's what you are in. There is more time to enjoy your partner and really pour your heart into your wish, choose the right words and wow everyone with your speech. If you are not in vows, you can prepare full-minded toasts with funny anecdotes of the past.

7. Make a perfect reading list

Whether you're going to rent a blank or just play music, you have all the time in the world to create the best playlist ever. Go through your favorite music with your partner, choose songs that you two or like those who are most significant for you, imagine scenarios to which song play when and obviously choosing funny crowds.

8. List of gifts

The purchase of gifts for a wedding is difficult, you probably know that if you have ever been to one. So, it's time to organize the best list of gifts with all the links, so that your customers can actually get you what you want. Plus thought that you put and make you more convenient, the more likely you have to get zero of disappointing gifts.

9. Customer List

Depending on your location, you might be limited in the number of people you can invite, would now be a good time to list guests and seating charts. Try to think in advance. Do a little, one for a small wedding with only the people closest to your life, then a greater in the case where the restrictions get up as you get married.


In most cases, you order wedding invitations, but if you have time, you may want to learn a calligraphy, and then you can do yourself. Because everyone knows that these are much more impressive than those printed. There are many online classes available and you can buy calligraphy sets to practice at home and learn a style you like the most or even create a font of your choice. Who would not want a unique marriage invitation?

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: lockdown / wedding
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